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Posts: 1
Registered: ‎11-29-2013

I have been a QVC customer for years and have watched the steady decline of quality to where we are now. Overpriced garbage made in China. What's so special about that? If I wanted junk like that, I could go Target and find a much better price. Maybe these sellers are just too busy being salesmen, gazing down at their cue cards so they can remember all the heartfelt reasons they have brought their goodies to you, their QVC family. The fact that these sellers have become so blatantly shameless in their gluttony for our money shouldn't surprise us, but I would hope it still does. Because until we put our foot down and say no to this kind of trash being hyped as treasure, we continue to foot the bill for them. Just take a look at any of the recent purchases you may have made. Are they made in China? Is the silver work rough and unfinished? Does the rhodium look as if it were painted on in a dark room? Do pasted stones fall out? These people are not our family as they would love for us to think. They are taking advantage of all of us. Until we say no. Food for thought.