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Re: It finally happened- JCP closes in our area!

On 1/16/2014 depglass said:

Where do you get Kohl's coupons? I have a charge and I never get a darn thing from them. Same with Younker's. I think the problem is I never USE the charge, I pay cash. But if you want me as a customer and I know you are a coupon retailer, you need to send me the coupons.

Mine come as a flyer in the mail. During the holidays especially. Those are the $10 off coupons. Then the newspaper will have $10 off $30, a sticker right on the front page.

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Re: It finally happened- JCP closes in our area!

They're closing 5 stores in Wisconsin....that's a lot. We have a small JC Penney's store in our small town, thank goodness it's not closing. I wish they had more household stuff's all filled with clothes. Gail

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Re: It finally happened- JCP closes in our area!

I'm a big supporter of corporations, because they provide good jobs with good benefits. But honestly, I'm so sick of this stuff. Dominick's (Safeway) just closed all of its Chicago area stores, putting so many people out of work. There's another coal plant closing in Kentucky thanks to D.C. Where do the executives and politicians think all of these people are going to find jobs now that manufacturing and mining are dying? And the executives get bonuses or other big jobs at other corporations, and the little guy is left holding the bag. Thank you globalization and bad policy.

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Re: It finally happened- JCP closes in our area!

Our small Penney's is remaining open last I heard. They closed the catalogue desk a couple years ago, now you just go to any register to pick up. They did add a linen department about three years ago. They seem to have a lot less business since the Walmart next to them moved. I also used my coupons for socks or underwear, could get a couple pairs for free or a dollar or so. Sad to see another iconic company going down. Our K-Mart closed ten years ago. Sears carries a shaper I like, but their website is so weird I've given up ordering another. Haven't been in a big Sears store for years. We had a small Sears that only carried washers, dryers, lawnmowers, etc, but that closed last year as well. Now we are getting a Marshall's, Petco and Ross'.
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Re: It finally happened- JCP closes in our area!

This is just an FYI: after learning kohls accepts other store coupons, ie penneys, bealls etc I decided to go to kohls and use them -all you have to do is spend the required amount on competitors coupon and they will honor their kohls % cpn in same transaction. Went to penneys over in Port Charlotte today no better than our store! But I did score big at the Toys R Us going out of business 70% off! I'm sure it's just a matter of time before they belly up in our local area too!
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Re: It finally happened- JCP closes in our area!

On 1/16/2014 depglass said:

Where do you get Kohl's coupons? I have a charge and I never get a darn thing from them. Same with Younker's. I think the problem is I never USE the charge, I pay cash. But if you want me as a customer and I know you are a coupon retailer, you need to send me the coupons.

I don't have a Kohls account. The coupons come in the mail. I think they're trying to recruit me. {#emotions_dlg.blink}

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Registered: ‎01-22-2011

Re: It finally happened- JCP closes in our area!

I get all my husbands clothes at Penny's since they have a big and tall section. If Penny's closes, I will have to turn to Land's End or LL Bean- both are spendy. The only things I get for myself at Penny's are Bali bras, Jockey underwear, winter jackets, and yoga pants. I don't like Penny's tops for women- they all stretch and feel skimpy to me.