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Registered: ‎04-08-2013

Re: I have early onset of Spring Fever...

Oh, yes! I have also been getting rid of things that have sat in closets, drawers, storage bins, etc. I figure if I haven't used it/worn it/decorated with it in over a year it needs to go! I'm far from being done, but it's still a great feeling to see at least a little space being cleared out.

One of my many New Year's resolutions was to cut back on purchasing home décor items and so far, so good! With Valerie's show coming up I told myself that unless it made my jaw drop I wasn't buying it! (We'll see how that goes, lol)! It sounds funny, but I also decided to leave a lot of my woodsy décor items out all year. There are lots of evergreens, berries, pinecones, birds & owls. In doing this I find that I am not as tempted by all the new things coming out for spring/summer. It always amazes me when I look at my "donate" pile of things and remember when I first bought it ~ you know, the item(s) I just couldn't live without! Now I just need to stay strong...