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Re: I have early onset of Spring Fever...

Last year we went thru all the albums and everyone in the family got all the pics pertaining to their family. This year what we didn't put up in Xmas décor, we boxed it all up and it went to Goodwill. Will do the same for Easter décor. Have gone thru all our clothes and taken the leftovers to Goodwill. Had painting done and taken all the old décor we had to Goodwill. We are 75 & 76. We don't want our daughters to have to taken care of it all when we can't anymore. It makes us feel good to have it mostly done.

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Re: I have early onset of Spring Fever...

So as not to overwhelm myself, my New Year's resolution was to get rid of 5 things a day. I either throw away or put in the donation bag in the garage. So far it is working and it feels good to do something in the effort to simplify.
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Re: I have early onset of Spring Fever...

I live in PHX..........believe me, this is the "good weather".................

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: I have early onset of Spring Fever...

We had a tease of Spring weather today, a beautiful sunny blue sky day, highs in the 60's, picture perfect! Rain is back tomorrow, we have had so much rain here this winter, it is either raining or freezing cold! Today was just beautiful!

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Re: I have early onset of Spring Fever...

OK, I'm doing the same thing, clearing out stuff. I went through clothes, linens, kitchen stuff and old furniture and house decorations and excessive Christmas decor. All gone. Then I started cleaning out the flower beds and my greenhouse, and garden decor. Too much outside stuff so I gave it to a lady in the neighborhood who loves to garden but does not have anything. Then re-arranged the outside deck, which wraps around the house. So, I'm hauling off stuff tomorrow. All I have to do is wait for spring planting, re-potting plants that have out grown their pots. The yard looks good and so does the house. Whew, I'm good and tired now.

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Re: I have early onset of Spring Fever...

I did a lot of purging this fall/winter also. Went through all my Christmas stuff. Got rid of the big tree and a lot of decor I wasn't using. Did my closet. Linen closet next. Feels good to get rid of the overload. It's a good winter task. We had a lovely day here after a couple of hard months of winter. Would love to think spring is here but I know better!

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Re: I have early onset of Spring Fever...

It sounds like you really are doing some major "Spring Cleaning" at your house! Yes, it's a long process, but it will be so worth it in the end. I envy your determination to the project --- If I wasn't almost 7 months pregnant right now, I feel like I would want to be doing the same...

I actually had Spring Fever yesterday. We have had sub-zero temps and a blizzard in recent weeks. Yesterday it went up to around 50 degrees. We took the kids outside to play at school and I found myself tricked into thinking it was actually Spring. On Long Island, Winter really drags until March. It's my LEAST favorite time of year.

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Re: I have early onset of Spring Fever...

When we lived in Pa I would take a weeks vacation every spring to houseclean. I would clean out every single storage area in the house from drawers to closets to the coat cupboard in the entry hall. Then , room by room , I would either paint or wash the walls. I was always amazed at the amount of dirt I got off those walls - at how incredibly dirty the water got - and how fresh and sweet the house felt when I was done. I was always glad i had done it.I would then have a company come in and steam clean the carpet and upholstered furniture and mattresses. I would also wash all the miniblinds on the windows and wash the curtains.All in all it was a tremendous amount of work but I had it down to a system and it would all go by easily.
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Re: I have early onset of Spring Fever...

What absolutely boggles my mind is that I have physically carried all this stuff into the house in the first place.

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Registered: ‎07-03-2012

Re: I have early onset of Spring Fever...

OP, I am getting spring fever too. It has been a very cold snowy winter so far. Two weeks ago when the chill factor was about -50 degrees , DH & I spent one day going through our photo albums and putting pictures from our last two vacations where they belonged. It was fun to see where we had been last summer and last fall. The next day we sorted through our file cabinet and shredded tons of papers. We found things that were over 35 years old in there. Got rid of them ASAP. We don't like clutter, so we try to keep everything as organized as possible around here. Yesterday DH & I put a new shower head in the bathroom in our basement. It ended up being a two man job. I want to paint it as I like to change colors every so many years, and I am in the mood for a changeover now. We had 4" of snow yesterday and they are saying very cold for the next week. I like doing home improvement projects when it is too cold to go outside.