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I planted butterfly bushes last season. What type of care do I need to do in the spring? Do these get pruned back or do I just let them go as is? If I should be pruning how much do I cut them back?

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Re: Pruning butterfly bushes

Some people cut them down to the ground. I always cut them back to 6 to 8" tall. You can't hurt them, they're pretty tough. HTH

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Re: Pruning butterfly bushes

I am watching my DH trim our butterfly bush right now. Over the years we have done different other words, we are not experts on pruning. It IS still living, howeverSmiley Happy This past fall, we left it alone so we could put Christmas lights in it, thus him trimming it now. He has left about 3-4 feet. One year he pruned it down almost to the ground in the fall. Good luck with whatever you choose.
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Re: Pruning butterfly bushes

When my bush was young, I left them alone, with no pruning. Now, mine is huge, so a few years ago, my husband pruned it to the ground. I thought he ruined the bush, but so hardy to grew back to full height.

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Re: Pruning butterfly bushes

The Buddlea davidii varieties can be pruned down to about 12-18"". They will grow back up to their usual height (8' or more) during the growing season. Don't be shy about pruning them.

They bloom on the newly formed wood so there will be more flowers if you prune them back.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: Pruning butterfly bushes

My next-door neighbor tells me every year that if I cut down my B-fly Bushes, they will die. But every spring I whack them all down to about 6 inches, and every summer they come back with more blooms than ever.

She warned me again the other day. Sheesh, you'd think she'd learn after living next to me for the last 7 years that cutting down a B-fly Bush actually makes it better.

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Re: Pruning butterfly bushes

I have had mine for about 10 years now and every spring I cut mine down to the ground. It has stayed very manageable. If you don't prune them they can get out of hand very quickly but if you want it to grow bigger I would do as someone suggested about leaving about a foot.