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[ Edited ]

Good morning, shopping friends. It is a dreary day here with cool temperatures. I awakened last night and saw one of the rebroadcasts of the TSV. I really don't need it as I am very satisfied with what I am currently using.


I did order another Calista curling brush that was shown last night. I have had one but misplaced it when traveling. In the meantime, I've been using one I purchased at the drug store and it just doesn't do the same job. Hopefully, I will not be disappointed with this purchase.


One of my favorite expressions is "one day at a time." Let's not look at COVID-19 as weeks. Focus upon it one day at a time. You made it through yesterday; you can make it through today..


Focus upon the positives you can accomplish during that day instead of thinking about deprivations. This requires a mind set adjustment! Yes, there may be disappointments but control what you can control and focus upon what you can do!


I was up at 5am, had an early breakfast, did some chores, and then watched the news. I also have in over 5,000 steps so I don't see a problem getting in the other 5,000 or more steps. This is one area that I can control to help my health.


Have a great day. If  you shop, shop wisely and take time to help the small business owner in your area.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Hi Everyone!

It's overcast today and on the cool side. No rain (according to the weather map) so I have my fingers crossed. I have a few (and I mean 3--LOL) crocus that survived being breakfast for the rabbits/deer that have popped up in the front garden. I always get excited if something actually grows. My brown thumb is more camo now so I guess I'm improving a bit.


I started steaming and Lysol wiping any object that wasn't moving in the house. I have the resistence of a gnat so I guess this qualifies as super Spring cleaning. I'm going to pace myself from this week forward so I don't exhaust myself. It's one of the hardest things for me to do because once I get on a roll I llike to keep going. I'm a "work in progress" in that area.


My husband will have to work from home starting this afternoon so my posting will be sporatic. I'll try to read and post in the evenings if he isn't on the computer.


I went to the market/pharmacy on Sunday to pick up a prescription and they had most of the shelves stocked. I was relieved...a bit. I was doing a fast trip for just my prescription but I was relieved to see that the trucks are still on schedule. I saw some carts with tons of items and others with just the normal food amount.


I'm taking it one day at a time. Every so often I find a moment of panic but it's mainly about getting sick. I try to divert my attention to cleaning something or sorting something. ha ha!!! Hopefully, I'll get most of my projects under control with that approach. Crossing my fingers on that for this week.


Hope everyone stays safe and healthy. Have a good afternoon/evening/

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Fressa--Hope that camo thumb turns out to be more green. You may surprise yourself. Getting yourself involved in activities around the house helps to keep you from dwelling on the negative news. I do hope your wide leg pants work out for you

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Hello Ladies, chilly in the 3o's here but sunny.  I was out early this morning to th e supermarket as I wanted to see if I could get any ground pork,they didn't have any Friday.  I am planning to make wontons for won ton  soup and needed the pork...usually the wonton wrappers are hard to get but not this time.  The store wasn't. bad a little more crowded for early Monday morning....a lot of empty shelves especially the can and ,paper items aisle......I did see some carts piled to the top of people just  grabbing stuff.  Had  a notice from our supermarket chain ,Stop n Shop,  that they hve plenty of supplies it's just getting them restocked etc.    Yesterday I had called up the Japanese restaurant for a take out order, DH woild go and pick it up.....but the man said no pick up only delivery's, store is closed.  I figured it would take forever for a delivery so I just skipped it.


I just did see a. Notice that all restaurants,bars,gyms will be closed in NY NJ and Ct. starting and curb side pick up will be used for restaurants.


I had a hair apt for this coming Wednesday and planned to cancel it but the salon beat me to it by calling me Sat to cancel.  They rescheduled it for Aprol 8 th......


Hopefully things will.calm down in a few weeks........Keep safe  everyone.   Oh Happy belated 50th anny Twinny.!            Marijane

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Marijane--I hope all works out for you. I had ventured out to our only supermarket yesterday morning to get coffee and some fill in items. There was a decent selection of canned food but I was there shortly after it opened. What amazed me were all the cans of Progresso soup still sitting on the shelves. I love this soup, and I have noticed in many pics of empty shelves that Progresso soup is available. 


Kentucky has had its first death and is closing restaurants except for carryout. Our governor will be making a statement at 2pm so I expect the same here. Do I dare drive 50+ miles one way for carryout for a great meal? Our local restaurant is a pizza place.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Good Morning/Afternoon and thanks for getting us started, Jean.  It is sunny here -- started off cool (40's), but should make it up into the 70's later today.  They are predicting much cooler (highs in the upper 50's)  and rainy weather for Wednesday.


Hope you like your new Calista curling brush.  I am not planning on purchasing the TSV or other beauty items today, but that could change, of course.


One day at a time is particularly appropriate these days.  I have to admit feeling sad at not being able to do almost all of my regular activities that have been canceled.  But, I realize that these cancellations are necessary to prevent a very serious health threat.  


On the cancellation front, today hospice canceled all assisted living/nursing home visits as well as working in the office.  Volunteers who visit patients in their homes can continue to do so if they and the patient/caregivers feel comfortable with it. 


Yesterday, I attended church via the internet (recommended by the pastor), and they announced no one but the ministers will be there next week.  Our senior lunch program volunteer from Canada called to say that she and her husband are going back early since their doctors are in Canada, etc.  On and on.....


DD just called to say that my SIL will be working from home for the next three weeks.  Also, DGD (turned 20 last month) has been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. There is a medication she could take, but she needs to see a psychiatrist first.   


Hi Fressa -- sounds like a good idea to do all that cleaning given your health issues.  Nice to hear about the crocus and the pharmacy/market. 


Sounds like your area is having a lot of "lock downs"/closures, Marijane.  DD said that all their restaurants, movie theaters (?), etc. will be closed at 5:00 p.m. today.  She was a "door buster" at Wal Mart this morning -- she said that the ladies she was waiting with and later saw in the rice/pasta aisle were being thoughtful about not over-buying.  Hopefully, that will happen all over the country. 


When I was in the Wal Mart the other day there was only Campbell's cream soup, Jean.  Maybe others in your area aren't Progresso fans?  They are certainly fans in this area.


Hope everyone stays safe and has a nice Monday.





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Hello all, the cases are increasing here in Michigan (up to 53 as of right now).  I trust that my governor is on top of it Heart 


I decided to go through the office closet and toss some things that I haven't touched in well over a decade.  I also went through all of the house related paperwork and shredded what was no longer applicable (I no longer have the item) and transferred everything to a new accordian folder.  The original accordian folder was falling apart.


I'm just putzing.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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I just had an alert that Stop &_ Shop( my supermarket )  will open 2 hrs early in the mornings for people over 60 to advantage to being " elderly ".   Opening early had been  suggested on f.b. for all supermarkets all weekend long....somebody listened!






Sounds like you had a busy morning Bernie.....I only did laundry after coming home from the store.      

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My success for the day was getting Humana to override the insurance restriction on time of refills so I could get a supply of meds early just in case something developed that would prevent my getting the prescriptions refilled. I'm not an addict but these drugs help me to live a normal life. It only took 50 minutes on the phone. I was wondering about this issue when I was checking the Humana site and ran across this page, which might be of use to other Humana members:

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010


I have my annual appointment with the endocrinologist coming up on April 1st (no joke).  She sees me once a year and even those my dose hasn't change one little microgram in 6 years, she probably needs to grope my throat to check my thyroid and have a blood sample taken.  This is going to be interesting.  

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise