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Anyone who really wants a hard copy can just print one.

Smart, eco-friendly move.

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if you have a printer.

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On 1/27/2014 twinny2 said:

if you have a printer.

LOL, I was going to say that too. I don't have a printer and appreciated the ones mailed out.

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Perhaps there should be the option to request one, then. My apologies for assuming that everyone who has a computer has a printer.

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I get them but not often. Depending on how often I order, I will usually get one every 4-6 months. I just got one the other day in a package. I was surprised.

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On 1/28/2014 faeriemoon said:

Perhaps there should be the option to request one, then.

They used to have that. In the phone menu options for customer service, you were able to request that they send you one. I don't think it's there anymore.

I like getting the paper guides. I know they are online but it's easier for me to stick a program guide up on my refrigerator to remind me, what's on.

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I am shocked that some people are online but don't have a printer - they are not very expensive - we got a basic printer for our camper for < $50.
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On 1/28/2014 happy housewife said: I am shocked that some people are online but don't have a printer - they are not very expensive - we got a basic printer for our camper for < $50.

Once again, you are sadly clueless. It's not a matter of having a printer. We have three. It's a matter of having the printed program guide, in a (bound) booklet form, that is smaller and easier to put on the refrigerator. I am shocked you don't understand (obvious) things sometimes and think you have the answer for everything. You are not the Shell Answer (wo)Man.

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I haven't gotten one in the mail or in my dozens of packages I receive in forever....I go online to see what shows are planned for the day....or I just tune in to see....

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On 1/28/2014 imaclotheshog said:
On 1/28/2014 faeriemoon said:

Perhaps there should be the option to request one, then.

They used to have that. In the phone menu options for customer service, you were able to request that they send you one. I don't think it's there anymore.

I like getting the paper guides. I know they are online but it's easier for me to stick a program guide up on my refrigerator to remind me, what's on.

I remember that! It's gone now?

~ Dear 2024, thank you for showing me the true colours of the people around me. ~