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Re: Issac said don't hang up your pima shirts!!!

@ALRATIBA wrote:



If it's tightly woven or knitted, the chance of it growing are reduced.  Some knit fabrics will grow WHILE you are wearing them.




@Carolina925 wrote:

100% cotton fabrics do have a tendency to "grow" which is the reason I like a 5% spandex added. I don't like fold lines on my clothes IF I had enough drawer space, which I do not. The threat of his shirts growing is the main reason I don't purchase his pima cotton shirts.

@ALRATIBA , so true! I've had shirts grow on me throughout the day before. The trouble with shopping online is you don't know until you physically can tough the fabric. I wore a new top to work once that I thought looked so good when I put it on and looked like a bag lady by the time I got home. Didn't even donate that one, into the trash it went.


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Re: Issac said don't hang up your pima shirts!!!

I don't know why he would say not to hang them. Sweaters can stretch out on hangers but I hang my shirts and they are just fine.

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Re: Issac said don't hang up your pima shirts!!!

@Zhills I'm with you on the "feel" of some of the blends. I bought a couple of his shirts that just didn't have a good hand to them and I returned them.


The ones that have a weird sort of "scuba suit" feel to them are the worst IMO. Some of his t-shirt dresses were made that way too. Those went back as well.

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Re: Issac said don't hang up your pima shirts!!!

I actually hang my sweater cardigans/vests. None are really heavy and I have specialized hangers that you can mold to fit the shoulder area. Never had a problem.

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Re: Issac said don't hang up your pima shirts!!!

I fold almost everything.
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Re: Issac said don't hang up your pima shirts!!!

I don't hang his Pima cotton shirts, I don't hang any tee shirt type shirts, I don't hang sweaters.  I fold them.  I don't get get creases in any of those things.  But if hanging works for you, that's fine too.  You own the clothes, you can do what you want with them.