Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,911
Registered: ‎05-08-2010

I don't store clothes.  All my clothing is in my closet where I can see it.  I mostly wear jeans 365 days a year...yes, even in the summer.  I have numerous tanks, sweaters, long cardigans, and blazers.  Depending on the temperature, I adjust what I wear on top.  We don't do formal or dressy.  If for some reason we were going to something more upscale, I would go buy something.


I also don't have a wardrobe of purses or shoes.  I use the same purse until I am tired of it and then pick out something new.  


Ditch the skinny clothes.  If you lose the weight, reward yourself with something new.  You forgot that you had the stuff, right?  You will soon forget it again. 

Fear not Brothers and Sisters! I have read THE BOOK..........we win!!!