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Re: Clothes You Have Stored

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@LindaSal wrote:

I wasn't sure I should chime in here as I am one of those people who actually has clothing with the tags still on, LOL!   I know it is ridiculous........however I have been trying VERY hard not to order anymore but I still get weak once in awhile and if I fall in love with it I buy it.  


I have been skimming through my closets (yes plural) every once in awhile and donate another bag to a local church.  I am guilty of even donating some with the tags still on.

I guess you could say I have a fashion fetish, oh well I guess it could be worse right?


I do hope that others benefit from my irresponsible behaviour, LOL!

I just did that. I went through one closet of mostly dress clothing. And I donated quite a few dresses. All still had their tags. Every one of the dresses were bought to wear to a wedding. And I didn't like the way the dress fit or looked. It seemed if I was attending a wedding that I would end up buying 3 or so dresses before I found one that I liked.

Haven't been invited to a wedding recently. So I hope to be able to shop in my closet from now on.

PS - and sadly I have numerous Rubbermaid tubs of seasonal clothing. I keep buying Rubbermaid tubs to hold clothing I bought recently. 

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I don't/won't donate anything I haven't worn in a year unless it doesn't fit (which rarely happens), no longer suits my current taste, is not in great shape, or I just don't love it.  The majority of my clothes are good quality, classic and stylish. When I donate (and i do this each season) it can sometimes be hard to let go of things I may not wear much but I still like. I rarely get rid of blazers, cashmere sweaters, leather coats/jackets, etc.  The downside of this is too many clothes and stuffed closets!

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With the cost of clothing,I would be reluctant to get rid of. If they don't fit,that is another story.

And there was no one left to speak out for me....
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I used to have clothing stored in my basement which included mostly out of season clothes, but also a few pants in various sizes when my weight fluctuated. I downsized my wardrobe many years ago. Everything I currently own is in my bedroom including out of season items. I still buy too many clothes because I love to buy new things, but I no longer want or need to have tons of clothes in storage. 

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What I have stored is seasonal clothes.  I have way too many clothes and even though I have 7 closets, a large armoire and 5 dressers I must store one season only, say summer in winter in winter in summer.  I do this by switching one closet and using 3 plastic trunk type storage containers.  I do have alot of clothes that can be used as 4 season clothes that are not stored with the seasons


I am a big purger of clothes and do a large purge with every season change and thoughout the year purge as I go.  When I see something I no longer like, it goes immediately.


Even tho I do alot of purging, I have one small container of too small clothes that I really like and only need five pounds to wear and I do go up and down 5 pounds often so what is in this small storage container changes often and does get purged when necessary. 


My clothes are down to things I still like and can wear, so my purging is much less now, but I diligently search for things to purge as I know I do have many clothes I may not wear.  I am working on the "try everything on" approach, but is it tiring and timeconsuming, but it does work if you need help with purging.


My main thing now is trying to not buy more clothes.  I am doing much better with this but evidently not good enough.

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My niece gets a lot of nice clothes....she and I are the same size and height.  When my BF and I go out shopping, she says that she's coming back as my niece for a good reason, lol !


Rarely do I buy something as what's in my closet is nicer that what's for sale.


I wish DH could free up a lot of space that unused / still packaged shirts, sweaters and outerwear are taking up.  He loved to shop and found unbelievable bargains on great clothes that others could be using and enjoying.

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Re: Clothes You Have Stored

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@BunSnoop wrote:

I went in the basement this morning to bring out the Christmas Rubbermaid tubs that contain decorations as I plan to decorate later this afternoon and tomorrow.


While in the basement I did some rearranging and saw about 4 large Rubbermaid tubs I have down there storing clothes I'm not wearing.  A lot of the clothes are timeless tee shirts, short sleeve summer tops, casual sweaters, sweatshirts, etc. that would not look dated if I was to again wear them.   Majority I'm not wearing as they do not fit me.  If I lose about 15 pounds, which I need to do, many of the clothes would fit me again.  Part of me wants to keep the clothes the other part wants to donate them as I really think I have enough clothes upstairs in my bedrooms to last me my lifetime.


How about you?  Anyone else have a similar situation?  How much clothing do you have stored that you have not worn for many years?

@wilma @If you do go up and down in sizes, then keep the clothes. They are going to be better made than new ones, you like them  and you have already paid for them. They're neatly stored so space isn't a problem. You are helping the environment by not adding to the tons of clothing waste. You might want to try on some of the things because our body shapes change and some might fit you now. @BunSnoop 

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Re: Clothes You Have Stored

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if I haven't worn it in a year.  it goes



don't leave a house stuffed with "stuff" for someone else to deal with  

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@Mindy D wrote:

@BunSnoop wrote:

I went in the basement this morning to bring out the Christmas Rubbermaid tubs that contain decorations as I plan to decorate later this afternoon and tomorrow.


While in the basement I did some rearranging and saw about 4 large Rubbermaid tubs I have down there storing clothes I'm not wearing.  A lot of the clothes are timeless tee shirts, short sleeve summer tops, casual sweaters, sweatshirts, etc. that would not look dated if I was to again wear them.   Majority I'm not wearing as they do not fit me.  If I lose about 15 pounds, which I need to do, many of the clothes would fit me again.  Part of me wants to keep the clothes the other part wants to donate them as I really think I have enough clothes upstairs in my bedrooms to last me my lifetime.


How about you?  Anyone else have a similar situation?  How much clothing do you have stored that you have not worn for many years?

@wilma @If you do go up and down in sizes, then keep the clothes. They are going to be better made than new ones, you like them  and you have already paid for them. They're neatly stored so space isn't a problem. You are helping the environment by not adding to the tons of clothing waste. You might want to try on some of the things because our body shapes change and some might fit you now.

@Mindy D 

I think your reply may have meant for @BunSnoop instead of me. 

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As ECBG very well knows about me......I have similar stored away bins (non-clear plastic) that I have stored very nice sweaters and other fashion items.


Some of the post-its have fallen off and disappeared in my garage.......


I guess I'm just too lazy or don't have enough energy to lift the bins, open the lids, etc.


This week (hopefully) I'm going to make a definite point of looking and finding two special sweaters that I'm 'living to wear'.


Good luck with your decisions......Keep a few special items that you can wear right now!

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).