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I went in the basement this morning to bring out the Christmas Rubbermaid tubs that contain decorations as I plan to decorate later this afternoon and tomorrow.


While in the basement I did some rearranging and saw about 4 large Rubbermaid tubs I have down there storing clothes I'm not wearing.  A lot of the clothes are timeless tee shirts, short sleeve summer tops, casual sweaters, sweatshirts, etc. that would not look dated if I was to again wear them.   Majority I'm not wearing as they do not fit me.  If I lose about 15 pounds, which I need to do, many of the clothes would fit me again.  Part of me wants to keep the clothes the other part wants to donate them as I really think I have enough clothes upstairs in my bedrooms to last me my lifetime.


How about you?  Anyone else have a similar situation?  How much clothing do you have stored that you have not worn for many years?

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    I live in rent with not much clothing storage. I wear the clothes that I have, and if I find myself avoiding a top or pants, I take action.  I have donated, sold, or trashed so much this year. Some items never had been used or worn. The same is true for my furniture and kitchen supplies. I have a way to go, but the less clutter I have, the more relaxed I am.  

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If I have not worn (or used) something within ONE YEAR, it goes into the donation box which is filled quickly and taken to one of my favorite charities! Can't stand clutter in my closets, dresser drawers or anywhere in the house . . . it simply causes chaos in my life and wastes my time & energy. Getting rid of stuff so someone else is able to use it is the best solution IMO! 


Good  luck with your decision to either loose the weight or donate the clothing. 

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I have a lot of clothes stored that I need to donate. Mine are too large. I lost weight about 2 years ago. I have donated some but need to make more room. 

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@BirkiLady wrote:

If I have not worn (or used) something within ONE YEAR, it goes into the donation box


drop the mic.gif

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I wasn't sure I should chime in here as I am one of those people who actually has clothing with the tags still on, LOL!   I know it is ridiculous........however I have been trying VERY hard not to order anymore but I still get weak once in awhile and if I fall in love with it I buy it.  


I have been skimming through my closets (yes plural) every once in awhile and donate another bag to a local church.  I am guilty of even donating some with the tags still on.

I guess you could say I have a fashion fetish, oh well I guess it could be worse right?


I do hope that others benefit from my irresponsible behaviour, LOL!

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I have lots of clothes stored, some to small i have put on weight, i do go and donate items, just don't want to let these clothes go,because i really like the quality of the items,so if i do get some weight off  i will have them.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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I don't have a big attachment to clothes and hate spending money on things to wear.  I buy year round clothing, and have never done the seasonal switch.  All I own fits in a 6 drawer dresser.  

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@BunSnoop wrote:

... How much clothing do you have stored that you have not worn for many years?


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Registered: ‎05-22-2016

I don't store any of my clothes. I wear a lot of the same clothes throughout the year of four seasons. Weather here can turn on a dime.