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Re: Problems installing Yosemite ?

On 3/19/2015 Buck-i-Nana said:
On 3/18/2015 Lynnj said: Other post was getting long, so I started a new one - as far as installing Yosemite I had a few problems after I did the install on my 2012 MacBook air. Still have a few. But about a month after initial install I did a re-install, and that seemed to help some. Also, Apple has issued two updates since it was originally released in Oct. the update fixed a few things that a majority had problems with. A third update is due out soon, maybe in the next week or so, and should address additional fixes, as well as add so,e new features. So...Yosemite is a work in progress, but what new operating system release isn't? We have to take the good with the bad sometimes.

Therein lies the problem, for me at least. That didn't used to be the case with MAC system releases. This has mirrored the problems with windows releases which were behind me ditching windows for mac.

I agree with you. Not the same Apple as it once was. But nothing like Microsoft, where at least out of the box and for many many years with no operating system updates a Mac still works like day 1. Can't say that I have ever had that experience with anything Microsoft. Even with some of the challenges I had with the Yosemite upgrade, the MacBook nor my iPhone and iPad showed problems like I had had with Microsoft stuff. In the end, I am happy that I updated to Yosemite and am enjoying the use of some of the new technology that was introduced in the operating system. When I did the re-install, I rolled myself back to Mavicks, and stayed there for a little over a week. While there I missed using some of the features built into Yosemite, and upgraded back from Mavericks. This is what worked for me, but none of us are forced to upgrade, so if you are happy where you are that's okay too.