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Re: Having trouble with Centurylink modem/router problem. Any advice?

On 3/14/2015 Venezia said:

Mima - I hope you do call the guy's supervisor and tell that person how helpful this second guy was. So often, once a problem is fixed, we just move on and forget to "thank" the person who helped and it means a lot to his career, if his supervisor knows he did a good job.

Also, it might be a chance for a "teachable moment" for the first guy to be shown what to look for next time. That "dumb tech" may just be new at the job and trying everything he's been shown. Believe me, help desk jobs are not all that straightforward! They're under time pressure to help you and get on to the next customer and their pay, reviews and job depend on how "productive" they are. In other words, how fast they can help someone and how many problems they resolve satisfactorily in a day, while remaining calm under pressure. (And frustrated customers provide a LOT of pressure!)

Glad you got it sorted out, but it would be nice to make sure the second guy gets the credit for it.

I did call the supervisor's number already and left short reviews on his answering machine of each tech along with my phone number if they want more info.

Thanks for your reply.