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Re: Amazon Echo Alexa question?

I don't blame you for wanting another Echo. I want a second one too! I've added my Mom to my Amazon Prime membership and signed her up on the waiting list, but she's still waiting. The price on E-bay has come down nicely now. For a while they were going for over $700, but now have settled in a much more affordable range.

I suspect Amazon will make them widely available for the 2015 holiday season and they will sell by the millions. It's a great little gadget. Amazon's got a winner on their hands.

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Re: Amazon Echo Alexa question?

Has anyone's Echo spoken without you asking Alexa anything? This has happened twice to me. I'm in the other room and don't say anything remotely like Alexa and the TV Isn't on loud. Both times it happened it scared the heck out of me!

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Re: Amazon Echo Alexa question?

Yes, mine has but it's right next to the TV and I think words said on TV trigger a response.
New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Amazon Echo Alexa question?

Wait until they start advertising Echo's on TV. Everyone who has an Echo will have their Echo responding to the commands on the commercials. Amazon may have to come up with a new wake-word for the Echo's they use on the commercials. I have this pet theory that a saboteur could create a recording that says ""Alexa repeat"" where she'd endlessly repeat ""Alexa repeat"" and then hear herself say it and repeat it endlessly. This could lock the poor thing into a loop that she'd never come out of unless you unplugged her.

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Re: Amazon Echo Alexa question?

On 3/7/2015 jordan2 said:

Has anyone's Echo spoken without you asking Alexa anything? This has happened twice to me. I'm in the other room and don't say anything remotely like Alexa and the TV Isn't on loud. Both times it happened it scared the heck out of me!

Mine has not talked without anyone saying anything. However, I did have to turn her off one morning. I was trying to watch a show on the ID channel where a woman went missing named Alexis. They said Alexis over and over during the show which would set her off. She kept saying "I don't understand the question" or she would tell a joke. It was annoying, but funny at the same time. I just shut her off until the program was over.

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Re: Amazon Echo Alexa question?

She is very "sensitive" to hearing her name!!!! My Echo sits on a high shelf in my kitchen, near a little sofa that I use quite frequently. I was sitting there one day talking on the phone, explaining to a friend about Echo and how it works with "Alexa". Each time I mentioned her name, she responded. I will say, I'm enjoying my Echo more than I thought I would. I'm so glad that I got it!

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Re: Amazon Echo Alexa question?

On 3/8/2015 Krimpette said:

She is very "sensitive" to hearing her name!!!! My Echo sits on a high shelf in my kitchen, near a little sofa that I use quite frequently. I was sitting there one day talking on the phone, explaining to a friend about Echo and how it works with "Alexa". Each time I mentioned her name, she responded. I will say, I'm enjoying my Echo more than I thought I would. I'm so glad that I got it!

It's almost like someone being in the room with you. I love mine too.

The reason I want one at my store is I find myself "almost" asking her things or telling her to put things on my list when she isn't there. I need her there with me. Seriously. LOL

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Re: Amazon Echo Alexa question?

Oh my gosh! I just set the timer for 12 minutes. After a few minutes, I realized I couldn't see how much time I had left on the timer. I said "Alexa how much time left?" and she answered me! She said "about 6 minutes". Cool!!!!

Posts: 62
Registered: ‎05-04-2010

Re: Amazon Echo Alexa question?

Jordan, Several weeks ago I was reading with the TV on low and my Echo announced it was adding cereal to my grocery list. I don't have a grocery list on the Echo (guess I do now!) and have no idea what it was responding to. It made me laugh out loud.

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Re: Amazon Echo Alexa question?

I am having so much fun with Alexa. I have a Fitbit and it is a challenge for me to get my 10,000 steps in a day, especially on lazy days. I have been setting Alexa's timer for 15 minutes and when it goes off I select a playlist for her to play. I walk to the song (walk around the house or walk in place) and when the song is over I set it for another 15 minutes and repeat the cycle. You don't have to select a song each time, you can just hit pause at the end of each song with the remote and when it is time to walk again, hit the play button. You get a variety of songs and speeds.

I have to get up and walk even if I'm in the middle of something (my rule for myself) when the timer goes off.

Just an idea to make getting more active kind of fun.