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Re: What was your best Halloween costume?

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Re: What was your best Halloween costume?

[ Edited ]

@cherry It was one that I made for an adult Halloween party. The mask was one of an old lady  that was plastic and partly see through. I wore a long small floral printed granny dress, falling down nylons that had been rolled, a black scarf over my head, and bedroom slippers. It was so fun because during the course of the evening, absolutely no one could guess who I was. There were some who tried to lift my mask. I took 1st place!!!!

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Re: What was your best Halloween costume?

Tee hee, when I was in third grade I had a pair of one inch, red heels with a gorgeous grosgrain bow on the top (my love for high heels clearly started very early).


My mom made me a cat costume which consisted of a turtleneck bodysuit, black tights, my beloved red shoes (actually you probably couldn't pry me out of them at that point) and a homemade, black velvet tail which my dad somehow ran a wire through to make sure it was always curled (albeit dragging on my skinny, third grade behind).  


My mom tied a gorgeous, huge red satin bow on the end of said tail and somehow I lost it during the Halloween parade . . . I was devasted as I loved that bow . . . best Halloween costume ever.  To be honest, I don't remember any others besides that one.



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Re: What was your best Halloween costume?

Last real Halloween party with DH, I went as Catwoman, ala Julie Newmar. Black leather of course. Made a cute mask with whiskers on it. Wish I had a photo to share.

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Re: What was your best Halloween costume?

When I was 8, my aunt made a brides costume for me out of her wedding gown.  She was a very tiny petite woman, so It wasn't as hard as one might think.  She even made a little veil for me.  I went to Halloween party and I won a prize for my costume. 

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Re: What was your best Halloween costume?

Jazz Halloween me.jpg



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Re: What was your best Halloween costume?

The most fun I ever had was once when I was probably in my thirties.  I got a hold of a pig mask and a curly blonde wig, and dressed up as "Miss Piggy."  I then drove over to my favorite neighborhood bar.  I sat down right at the bar and drove the bartender/owner nuts all night because he couldn't figure out who I was (no one else could either).  I finally took the whole thing off for them.  Besides, it was pretty hot under there, and really hard to drink!

Laura loves cats!
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Re: What was your best Halloween costume?

I think my best was when I dressed up as shower/ Yes, a shower. DH took PVC pipe and made  a circle, putting straps inside to hold it up, then we put a shower curtain on it, around it. IHe hung a toilet brush on the ouside and some used soap. I wore a terry onesie tyoe short outfit,  and a shower cap, oh, he also put head on it with streamers going down like water. Since I was then working as a bank teller, it was quire a hit as it looked like I had no clothes on under there. I did win first prize.



"Cats are like potato chips, you can never have just one".
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Re: What was your best Halloween costume?

It's still warm here in Florida.  Red shorts, matching red top and lots of black dots (tacked on) make a Lady Bug!

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Re: What was your best Halloween costume?

@Mama Mia wrote:

I think my best was when I dressed up as shower/ Yes, a shower. DH took PVC pipe and made  a circle, putting straps inside to hold it up, then we put a shower curtain on it, around it. IHe hung a toilet brush on the ouside and some used soap. I wore a terry onesie tyoe short outfit,  and a shower cap, oh, he also put head on it with streamers going down like water. Since I was then working as a bank teller, it was quire a hit as it looked like I had no clothes on under there. I did win first prize.




@Mama Mia I always thought when/if I go to another Halloween party, I would be Janet Leigh.  That is exactly how I was planning on making it - except I would have a knife and blood instead of a toilet brush lol