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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

What's your real experience with UPS shipping since Thanksgiving?

UPS problems are not just in the last week or two, and from personal experience have been ongoing since shortly after Thanksgiving. I did not have any delays with FedEx.

I ordered some things around Thanksgiving that were to be shipped UPS and had a terrible time with three times. Two of them were food items wound up in Dallas on Dec. 5th and an unknown date around that time. There was an ice storm, but travel was shut down from Dallas to OKC for maybe a day. Other than that, I could have driven there to get them myself.

The food items sat there for 5 more days, UPS couldn't give me another expected delivery date and no updates were even available to the shipper. The shipper didn't know where they were because UPS gave them no feedback, but I had the info. they were in Dallas. Needless to say they were spoiled.

I had another item that sat in Memphis for about 5 days as well. UPS reported it was being unloaded from a truck (5 days?) and again I couldn't get an expected delivery date or any updates.

A Kindle Fire was also delayed through Memphis a number of days and no information was available until the day before it was delivered. It was delivered 5 days late, and as much as I tried I couldn't change the date for delivery--neither me nor Amazon. It arrived after I left the delivery address for a week, and Amazon shipped another to an alternate address.

This mess was either a computer outage or malfunction or simply they couldn't handle the load getting it off the trucks and on to the destination. It had LITTLE to do with the weather as I see it. I really think all the signs point to a computer melt down.