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Re: What's everyone doing this weekend?

@RetRN wrote:

With a heat index of 100 degrees, I will be staying inside other than to water flowers. 

Will be a quiet weekend here. 

Me too.

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Re: What's everyone doing this weekend?

Venturing out for a few groceries ... the resort area I am in for the

summer .. had a group of boaters rafting off each other Fourth

of July .. then went into a local town... long story short ... 20 people

tested ... 2 or 3 restaurants in neighboring towns .. shut down 

out of an adundance of caution .....and yes... they were not

wearing masks .....

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Re: What's everyone doing this weekend?

This weekend we'll get some light home projects done -- dusting blinds, fan blades; the stuff no one sees but you're glad when it's done. A dear friend of 40 years passed. Our hiking, ski, laughing, road trip friend. He was 61. Not covid19 related. Funeral this morning. Melancholy stuff and it's sinking in. Feeling awful for his wife and three grown children. Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes. Some hit us harder than others. Good weekend to all.     

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: What's everyone doing this weekend?

First thought upon readin the thread title:  Bee Gees singing "Staying Alive".  


Staying home, taking care of life and enjoying my nest.

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Re: What's everyone doing this weekend?

[ Edited ]

We have to wait for more deliveries of various goods we both have ordered.  Really hate the downside of that but we cannot allow our merchandise to sit out in the sun and sure there's always the risk of someone running off with it although I have seen Prime packages sitting all day in front of our neighbors and never taken....thankfully, we have a nice set of honest people around here.  But being tied to our residence so many days out of the week to get our things out of the elements is just unbearable and we are going to just stop ordering for a long while so we can enjoy our lives best we can uder the circumstances of a pandemic. 

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Re: What's everyone doing this weekend?

What do I ever do? Stay in the house. Talk on the phone maybe, be on my computer, go to the grocery store, library. Sometimes I sit with my neighbors. 6 ft apart. But not this weekend. Like someone else said, it's going to higher than 100 next couple of days.

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Re: What's everyone doing this weekend?

@LindaSal wrote:

Guess it's going to be pretty hot all over much of the country this weekend.

We have had a very busy week with appointments so with the extremely hot weather coming we will be staying home in the AC.    I plan on taking it easy as my sciatic nerve has been acting up, good excuse for some wine and the heating pad Smiley Happy


Everyone enjoy the weekend.

So sorry to hear that about your Sciatic. I battled that one for a long time. I had it previously to that sometimes but nothing bad, untill the last time.

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Re: What's everyone doing this weekend?

@World Traveler wrote:

@Laura14 I bet you can guess what I am going to do this weekend. YUP! Finish up ANOTHER barrel of ChocoNuvo! Around six left in it.


Okay, you know me well enough to now that it won't take a full weekend to finish them up. Check back with me tomorrow and see if they aren't all gone! Smiley LOL

What is ChocoNuvo? I could just google it but more fun here.

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Re: What's everyone doing this weekend?

@Whosits  It's an Andrew Lessman product.  Dark chocolate squares with plant sterols. @World Traveler and I battle back and forth after she flashed her trench coat and got me hooked.

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Re: What's everyone doing this weekend?

@jeanlake I am so sorry.  It's my turn to say goodbye to a loved one tomorrow.  This whole year has been horrid.  Hugs to you and your friends.  Heart