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Re: Wary of donating to charities.

I hope I would be forgiven if I refused to donate out of fear that someone undeserving would benefit causing someone in need to go hungry because of my fear.


Personally, I'm not willing to say no due to the possibility that someone not in need would benefit.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: Wary of donating to charities.

@Allthingsgirly67 wrote:


Big deal. They could have a donated car, a gifted car, or received it for work. Perhaps it's the last thing they have left after losing everything else.

Who knows. I don't care.


No one is qualified to judge. We are here to help others. 


I'm poor and barely make it too. But I still donate. I have a few favorite charities and donate to them. 


If you really want to learn about the poor or can't afford to donate cash -

volunteer time at a shelter

serve meals

work with refugees

work at a family shelter

volunteer at Goodwill, St Vincent dePaul, DAV stores,  etc. 


Sitting on laurels won't help anyone and will make one bitter.

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Re: Wary of donating to charities.

@Allthingsgirly67 wrote:
I think you are all missing my point. I don’t understand why they just don’t sell their cars to have less expensive cars or a used car with no payments. If I were used to shopping at Bloomingdale’s and my situation was dire than you obviously can’t shop there and might have go with Walmart. I too used to work at a supermarket and we had people pay with food stamps who would than go out to their Cadillac or as one woman did pay while dressed in furs and plenty of jewelry. If things are that bad , sell the fur and some non sentimental jewelry. You have to make sacrifices. In the above situations I would have been embarrassed to show my face. Please don’t say that they might be living in the car. You can easily trade in a late model Audi or other model for something more affordable. Also with no payments required. I currently live in a house and I know when I sell it I will not be able to buy another and quite possibly might even have to settle with a one bedroom for my daughter and the couch for me. But I have my health and I know people have it worse so I don’t complain. I would never expect to buy a house or a newish car and then go to a food bank and expect a free meal. I just think people feel entitled and there are plenty of people in need who don’t ask for anything. I think some of them are taking advantage of a free meal or in this case a free meal for an entire family.


No one missed your point. You're judging others based on your own experience and bias. 


Now, I've been in your shoes. It's not fun. I was angry. I was bitter. I have health issues too. It took some time to get past those feelings. But you either find something that motivates or moves you or you die. 


A lot of us were left destitute by exes or circumstances. But we made it. You can too if you stop the pity party. Deal with life as you have it. We all have to and you're no different. 


I'm sorry this is so sharp sounding. 


Life is what you make it, poor or rich. 


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Re: Wary of donating to charities.

@Marp wrote:

I hope I would be forgiven if I refused to donate out of fear that someone undeserving would benefit causing someone in need to go hungry because of my fear.


Personally, I'm not willing to say no due to the possibility that someone not in need would benefit.

I agree, and I believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Wary of donating to charities.

My co-worker is single, he makes great money and lives at home with his 87 year old mother with no mortgage yet he visits so many food banks and brings a lot of the food to the office for people to take. Most of it is expired. 

I don't say anything but he doesn't need it. On Fridays, my other co-worker and I throw it all out. I don't know why he thinks we want stuff that's expired from 6 months to over a year in some cases. 

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Re: Wary of donating to charities.

I donate to charity. 


Having said that, I spend ZERO and I do mean ZERO time wondering/worrying about someone in need, or not as it were, trying to game the system. 


That's on them and would be 100% non constructive on my part. 


It's probably best to handle one's own life in the best way possible and leave the guesswork of other's motives alone. 

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Posts: 2,783
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Wary of donating to charities.

Food insecurity affects a bit over 17% of children in the US.  The percentage translates into 4 million children (USDA stats). 


My dad went hungry during the Depression.  Kids shouldn't go hungry.


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Posts: 3,162
Registered: ‎06-29-2016

Re: Wary of donating to charities.

Food insecurity is very real.


Food deserts are real.  Food swamps are real.


Anyone who is hungry,  is hungry.  I can't imagine ever questioning someone's need for food.

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Registered: ‎08-20-2012

Re: Wary of donating to charities.

My charity goes to the town I live in. We know who needs help. I also donate to St Jude's for children. Have for many years.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Wary of donating to charities.

@qvcfreak wrote:

My co-worker is single, he makes great money and lives at home with his 87 year old mother with no mortgage yet he visits so many food banks and brings a lot of the food to the office for people to take. Most of it is expired. 

I don't say anything but he doesn't need it. On Fridays, my other co-worker and I throw it all out. I don't know why he thinks we want stuff that's expired from 6 months to over a year in some cases. 



Your coworker sounds like he could be on the TV show "Extreme Cheapskates."