Super Contributor
Posts: 328
Registered: ‎05-01-2011

Prices for women clothes are high everywhere to me no matter where you shop for quality clothing. I suspect that maybe these designers are not willing to give up some of their profit as they have in the pass. If it is like some of the other businesses the cost of doing it is getting higher. Cotton has increse in price and so has other fabrics. I remember when i first started shopping on QVC silk garments was offered a lot until the prices started rising.Times are changing and don't expect to see them change anytime soon. I also suspect these designers are also trying not to order a large amount of items since they have to pay for these items first before you ever purchase anything and I think we as consumers forget about that when we are making a decision and complaining about everything that they make. They are the ones maling a decision on what they think we the public might want and that is a whole topic for another conversation.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,489
Registered: ‎05-15-2016

Or maybe it’s a good time to buy less. You only have one body and unless you go through wardrobe changes several times a day you’re not going to even wear half the stuff anyway.