Posts: 31
Registered: ‎04-07-2010

Please pray for fallen Firefighters

Yesterday we had a terrible tragedy in Houston. Four firefighters were killed and several injured, two critically.

A 5 alarm fire in a hotel.

I feel that sometimes we take our "caretakers" for granted, the fire fighters, the police, etc.

These brave people choose to make keeping us safe as possible, as a way of life(as do our soldiers).What would we do without them?

The four fallen fire fighters ranged in service from years, 2 men, to rookies-1 man and 1 woman with only 2 months service.

The news cast yesterday had me just crying-for the people in Oklahoma(and others with this terrible weather) to this local very sad story.

Please pray, and if you don't pray, hope-for the families of these Fire fighters. Thanks