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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Please diagnose me and don't tell me to go to the drs. Thanks!

My yearly drs. visit is coming up and I am going to talk to my dr. about these issues. Nothing is seriously wrong or at least doesn't need emergency attention. I would like to know what you think.

I can not eat a LOT of different foods without having severe bathroom problems. What does this sound like to you?

Absolutely no dairy at all including butter, yogurt, cheese, milk, ice cream, sour cream, etc. So I'm sure I'm lactose intolerant and also allergic as I get a rash if I eat dairy.

No nuts or peanut butter.

No Splenda. (normal for some people).

No high fiber cereals (which I love and have always eaten).

No high fiber anything including beans.

No high fiber wheat bread.

I feel great on junk food like McDonald's hamburgers and fries. I'm not joking. I have no problems if I stay away from healthy food!!!!

I am getting fatter because I can't eat my normal foods. I have always loved high fiber foods!

Oh, it isn't a gluten problem because I can eat white flour fine.

Oh I can eat oatmeal fine. So I eat that every day.