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Philadelphia and Delaware Stay at Home Order

The mayor of Philadelphia issued a stay at home order, forcing all non-essential businesses to close by Monday at 9:00 am.  Delaware's governor did the same starting 8:00 am Tuesday.  While Delaware does not have as many cases as surrounding states, the governor wanted to be in line with neighboring areas.

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Re: Philadelphia and Delaware Stay at Home Order

Louisiana too.

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Re: Philadelphia and Delaware Stay at Home Order

I am confused, why is there a restriction to being outside??  

Not in my state.  We are all closed up here but people are out jogging, walking with family for exercise.  That was excluded, exercise outside is encouraged, and people were not close to each other.  Holding hands?  I live with my husband, can't we hold hands??


Also what is problem with being out in your car??  I am out driving just to get out of the house.  There is no contact with others at all.  

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Re: Philadelphia and Delaware Stay at Home Order

My son lives in Philly and walked a few blocks to his local supermarket today.  He's in the Northern Liberties neighborhood.

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Re: Philadelphia and Delaware Stay at Home Order

PA Governor already ordered all non-essential businesses to close last week, so that would include Philadelphia.

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Re: Philadelphia and Delaware Stay at Home Order

You are to stay home, but you are allowed to go outside in PA.

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Re: Philadelphia and Delaware Stay at Home Order



As far as I know there is no order to stay inside you home but we must also rememebr to social distance etc.


@Bhvbum wrote:

I am confused, why is there a restriction to being outside??  

Not in my state.  We are all closed up here but people are out jogging, walking with family for exercise.  That was excluded, exercise outside is encouraged, and people were not close to each other.  Holding hands?  I live with my husband, can't we hold hands??


Also what is problem with being out in your car??  I am out driving just to get out of the house.  There is no contact with others at all.  


Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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Re: Philadelphia and Delaware Stay at Home Order

I don't want to be flip but these orders are useless because they have so many exceptions, you can...walk the dog, take the kids outside, shop, go to work, check on loved ones, etc. Reading some of them will make you laugh & wonder...why bother?

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Re: Philadelphia and Delaware Stay at Home Order

@Bhvbum wrote:

I am confused, why is there a restriction to being outside??  

Not in my state.  We are all closed up here but people are out jogging, walking with family for exercise.  That was excluded, exercise outside is encouraged, and people were not close to each other.  Holding hands?  I live with my husband, can't we hold hands??


Also what is problem with being out in your car??  I am out driving just to get out of the house.  There is no contact with others at all.  


I'm in Louisiana.  The "Stay at Home" order does not mean that you must stay in your house.  Visits to groceries, phamacies, gas stations, banks, medical facilities are allowed, along with various forms of outdoor exercise.  This was being discussed on a CNN coronavirus special last night - that "stay at home" is a misnomer and a new term is really needed.

"Breathe in, breathe out, move on." Jimmy Buffett
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Registered: ‎05-22-2016

Re: Philadelphia and Delaware Stay at Home Order

State of Colorado ordered by governor to reduce 50% of the workforce at non-critical places of employment  and encouraging critical functions to telecommunicate until 4/10.