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My SO usually goes to bed before I do and before I get under the covers I slightly raise the head of the bed with the remote control. He never knows I'm doing it. It works great. 

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010
If you love your snoring partner, please insist on them getting a sleep study done. I snored, and found out I stopped breathing for 10-30 seconds 65 times an hour. That's more than once a minute! Usually your blood oxygen levels should be 95-99%, and mine dropped to 79%. It got so bad that I felt better staying awake all night than going to sleep. I had zero energy, and always felt sleepy. Once I even fell asleep driving, and it was a miracle that a state trooper pulled me over because I was weaving. He was my guardian angel. After the sleep study, I got a CPAP and use it religiously every night, and no more snoring and I feel better. However, I am still being evaluated to see if the years of snoring have done permanent damage to my heart. I wish I would have had the sleep study done sooner. Often, but not always, snoring is caused by being overweight, so losing weight is usually the best long-term remedy. Good luck with your snorer.
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Registered: ‎06-25-2012

Have the snorer lose weight. problem solved.

"Pure Michigan"
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Posts: 992
Registered: ‎06-14-2018
My husband snores and if I’m sleeping, it doesn’t wake me but if I’m not, it drives me crazy! Nowadays I will wake him up and tell him to turn over since it is more frequent when he’s on his back. I know he stops breathing for about 10 seconds at times because I hear it. I’ve suggested he get a sleep study but as usual, he blows it off. It took me a long time to convince him to get a colonoscopy. He just doesn’t like to bother with preventative medicine 🙄
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

YES !!!!!!!!! My stupid ex snored like a freaking buzz saw and you could hear him from the upstairs main bedroom all the way down downstairs to the kitchen!!! Never did much about it for years --- but did go have a sleep study and guess what----he had apnea---DUH---I told him that for years---I finally moved to another bedroom and stayed there until I moved in 2021 and divorced the jerk!!! Nothing I could do to prevent from hearing this horrible obnoxious noise and he didn't give a rats booty---Woman Mad 

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Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Re: People Who Snore

[ Edited ]

My husband used to snore very loudly. You could here it from other rooms. He has a headache condition and years ago his neurologist sent him for CT and MRI and the scans inadvertently showed a large nasal polyp. He went to an ENT and had it removed and doesn't snore anymore. These can often be diagnosed without imaging tests by an ENT, so if you snore, consider getting checked by an ENT for polyps besides going for an apnea study.

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Posts: 870
Registered: ‎02-02-2021

We both snore!..I sleep in another room since I don't sleep well and I have a lot of pain..staying  he'd never get any sleep.


I told his cardio doc I was in another room..he said "that's too bad after 53 yrs."..I told him that "if he wants me..he knows where I am"..We all had a good laugh.

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Registered: ‎03-28-2010

@aj1980 wrote:

Have you ever dealt with someone that snores? If so, how did you handle it? Those so called nasal strips never really worked. I had to resort to ear plugs which was a better option

I snore.  Turned out to be sleep apnea.  My husband snores.  Sometimes it just unbearable.  He slept in another room at one point.  Just put a humidifier in the room about 3 days ago.  It working great for him so far.  Little to no snoring.  



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Posts: 2,582
Registered: ‎03-02-2016
My husband had sleep apnea. He tried the CPap mask that was a total failure. He had an operation called aUVPPP. That stopped the snoring. Move out of our bed to another bedroom…never.
Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,330
Registered: ‎04-25-2020

Re: People Who Snore

[ Edited ]

While I know the sound of snoring is very irritating, and God knows I need all the beauty sleep I can get......what I wouldn't give for the sound of that right now after recently losing a loved one that snored.  Heart

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread