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Re: Oh no - my new lightweight mesh handbag organizer is stuck in the mailbox.

Always have a spare key, never hurts.  I'd think the HOA would be responsible and should not drag their feet.

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Re: Oh no - my new lightweight mesh handbag organizer is stuck in the mailbox.

[ Edited ]

It's kind of crazy that there aren't backup keys/masters.  I can't imagine only one key in existence so if it becomes lost the mail is held hostage.   

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Re: Oh no - my new lightweight mesh handbag organizer is stuck in the mailbox.

i would again talk with the HOA.

tell them you need the item and that there is only a limited time in which you have to return the item if it is defective or incorrect. is the HOA willing to pay you for the item if  that happens? this is one of the reasons why HOAs make timely repairs.

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Re: Oh no - my new lightweight mesh handbag organizer is stuck in the mailbox.

@151949 I must be missing something here, it is not the responsibility of the HOA but the USPS/Federal. We just went through something similar in my neighborhood..the USPS needs to fix this problem and asap...Call the postmaster general for your area. How are packages suppose to be delivered if s/he is unable to access the box. Totally unacceptable and ridiculous IMO. If I remember correctly they donot have a master key.

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Re: Oh no - my new lightweight mesh handbag organizer is stuck in the mailbox.

When did this become your problem? It's the HOA's problem.  

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Re: Oh no - my new lightweight mesh handbag organizer is stuck in the mailbox.

@gracie2014 wrote:

@151949 I must be missing something here, it is not the responsibility of the HOA but the USPS/Federal. We just went through something similar in my neighborhood..the USPS needs to fix this problem and asap...Call the postmaster general for your area. How are packages suppose to be delivered if s/he is unable to access the box. Totally unacceptable and ridiculous IMO. If I remember correctly they donot have a master key.

@gracie2014  I understand what you are saying and the logic.  But after doing some reading it appears that this issue varies nationally as who has responsibility for the gang box itself.  The Post Office can still deliver packages, but will have to do so to each individual's home or to the HOA office.


I have my own free standing mailbox.  It is my responsibility to maintain the box and the surrounding area to post office regulations so the mail can be delivered.   If do not, they can refuse to deliver my mail and notify me to pick it up at the post office.  In my particular case, they could stop delivering any mail that would normally go into the box.  Large packages that would not fit into the box would still have to be delivered to the house.

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Re: Oh no - my new lightweight mesh handbag organizer is stuck in the mailbox.

I'd give the HOA a few days to get it taken care of - at most.


If they don't do it within a few days, I'd ge my husband to drill out the lock.

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Re: Oh no - my new lightweight mesh handbag organizer is stuck in the mailbox.

@Allegheny I understand that the rules differ from one HOA to the next...but what sticks out in my mind is the postman leaving the key fob in her tiny box...the one used for business sized letters...the key fob was missing the key....if it is like my community it is not a matter of having a duplicate key..the keys to the larger boxes are put in your box only when a package is too large for the smaller box and/or the mailman too lazy to leave it at your door..once the package is removed tha key fob stays in the box..I am surprised to read so many people mention the HOAs as those boxes are owned by the federal government/USPS..makes no difference if gated or ungated becomes different if she had a freestanding box...I was wondering if her boxes are located in a community building but she mentioned the salt water, assuming they are outside on common property. Praying she is able to get the situation resolved..what if it were a medication needed for a life threatening condition..

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Re: Oh no - my new lightweight mesh handbag organizer is stuck in the mailbox.

@gracie2014 wrote:

@151949 I must be missing something here, it is not the responsibility of the HOA but the USPS/Federal. We just went through something similar in my neighborhood..the USPS needs to fix this problem and asap...Call the postmaster general for your area. How are packages suppose to be delivered if s/he is unable to access the box. Totally unacceptable and ridiculous IMO. If I remember correctly they donot have a master key.

I believe your post is accurate.  When we moved into our condo the former owner failed to leave the mailbox keys.  Our management office does not keep spare keys and has no jurisdiction to tamper with mailboxes--you know, the whole federal offense thing.   


I was told I had to schedule an appointment for a locksmith and a USPS representative to arrive at the same time to replace the lock at a cost of $115.  


Before I did that, upon arriving home one night I found our mailbox keys sitting on top of our unit number plate next to our door.    

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Re: Oh no - my new lightweight mesh handbag organizer is stuck in the mailbox.

[ Edited ]

@gracie2014 wrote:

@151949 I must be missing something here, it is not the responsibility of the HOA but the USPS/Federal. We just went through something similar in my neighborhood..the USPS needs to fix this problem and asap...Call the postmaster general for your area. How are packages suppose to be delivered if s/he is unable to access the box. Totally unacceptable and ridiculous IMO. If I remember correctly they donot have a master key.

You own your mailbox not the post office. In our case the mailboxes are the responsibility of the HOA. Anyway the manager sent me an e mail saying it would be taken care of next week, he has someone lined up. He did tell me if it was something important like meds or something time sensitive he would pay to get it opened right away . but I can't really justify $75 just to get out a purse organizer. I'm not that selfish, that is everyone's money.

These boxes ARE NOT owned or maintained by the post office. They are owned by the HOA. I'm sure if someone lost their key it would be their personal responsibility to get the lock replaced by a locksmith at their own expense.