Super Contributor
Posts: 278
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

OMG I am a horrible doggy mom...

As some of you know my old lab has been struggling recently, she is an old girl and has been through so much. I have been sleeping downstairs with her, because she could no longer make it up the stairs.

Yesterday morning she had what we thought was a seizure or a stroke, it was more like convulsions... she could not move for an hour and a half...and was giving me that let me go look (which I dread). She recovered well, and was herself by early afternoon, I did not panic, because I have had older dogs experience an occasional seizure.

This morning the same thing happened, but she was not recovering, she just laid there trembling...when she did try to get up she kept falling over. Her breathing was not right... my sons and I made the decision it was time to relieve her of her suffering.

I called the Vet to let them know we were on our way, i stopped by my husbands work place so he could say good bye. Needless to say it was an emotional morning...

I requested the Vet who has cared for her since her birth, he was busy in surgery. I am so glad I did! Any other Vet would have immediately let her go due to her age, and symptoms... he came in, examined her and simply stated. "She has vestibular syndrome...meds work wonderfully, some dogs recover in a few days, some don't.... we have to try".

So I am back home with my lopsided is sad, she keeps tilting to the left, still can't walk, but we are praying that her tremendous strength, courage and determination will get her through this.

Please pray for my girl...