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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Name Drawing in In-Law's Family. Ugh.

So I get an email today from the M-I-L. Turns out the family drew names for Xmas gift giving yesterday (DH & I weren't there) and they included all the pets. (Totally unnecessary.) I drew DH's nephew's dog (which I guess is perfect for me since I'm an animal lover), but I don't think it's right that others got our cats' names. I replied to M-I-L & said that whoever has my name AND our cats' names to please just make a donation to one of the local animal shelters. Okay..that's done.

2nd issue: DH drew my F-I-L's name (which is fine) but I had already purchased gifts for my M-I-L and had already planned on purchasing gifts for F-I-L, too. I guess we'll just give M-I-L what I already bought, even though DH or I didn't draw her name.

3rd Issue: The family set a $20 max. (which is fine); BUT through the years they've never set a minimum, which you really should do. In the past, I've seen some people get shoddy homemade gifts or gifts from the basement bargain table at whatever store where the boxes were all beat up & the merchandise inside was busted up. So without mentioning any of this, I suggested to M-I-L that we also set a minimum of $15. That way you keep it fair---so someone doesn't spend $5 on a gift and then get a $20 gift in return. I know--Christmas shouldn't be about money---but it just helps avoid any unnecessary hard feelings.

I hope I'm not beeing too harsh, but I just don't feel that DH's family has much common sense. Maybe I grew up with too much common sense.