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Registered: ‎05-17-2010

I receive so many emails from QVC re: upcoming shows, shows that have been cancelled or their times have been changed. There are emails about special deals & special steals. Wouldn't it have been thoughtful to email customers about programming being precorded during certain hours?


Until I knew the shows were "repeats", they were scheduled to record on my DVR. I watch very little live Q. My cable system (God bless 'em...not!), sometimes records the original Q channel and the HD channel simultaneously which knocks off the 3rd scheduled recorded show on another channel. 


I've the missed the ends of a few great movies!! 



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Posts: 30,239
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

@ShanusI used to have that same problem with my cable company.  It only DVR'd two shows and I couldn't watch a third so I had to be watching one of the DVR'd shows.


I got rid of it now and have almost unlimited shows DVRing at the same time.  I also have a tuner that I can talk into and it will take me on the TV wherever I want to go.


I know how frustrating that is though.

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Posts: 13,913
Registered: ‎03-10-2010




I can't speak to QVC because I do not DVR any of their shows. They have pretty much quit having presentations that interest me. But, as for the recording part?


When my wife retired it allowed her more time to watch television, which led to more DVR conflicts, as we only had the 3 simultaneous option also.


We have Dish Network and chose to get the fairly new Hopper 3/with 2 Joey components. This allows us to record 16 different show simultaneously, end of that problem. Yey for Dish Network for helping keep domestic peace in many families.




