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Posts: 365
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

More USA companies bought up by foreign company :o(

So, while not earth shattering or death defying....I'm so annoyed that ONE MORE TIME a long-time favorite product has bit the dust and been bought by a "GLOBAL" company. I have yet to find from what country this company originates.

Ever heard of Unilever? Me either. They bought Breyer's and in the very recent past because they aren't even listed on their site, but the email addy is to

I'm really upset that Breyer's All Natural Ice Cream is now not that.....but rather a 'frozen dairy dessert'. So far vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and coffee have stayed the same, but for how long? This company started in the 1800's for crying out loud! Their all natural fruit bars were the best. NO LONGER AVAILABLE. Seriously? Yup. I contacted them a few years back about something and the email came from Breyer's not a foreign company.

We don't all want Eddy's or Friendly's or Hood ice creams with all their additives and junk and extra creamy 'stuff' going on....we just want good super delicious REAL ice cream

Too much to ask? Apparently.

Unilever also owns Hellman's, Bertolli, Tressume, Dove, VASELINE, Lipton, Knorr, SlimFast and several other companies. Expect changes, folks.
