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Posts: 952
Registered: ‎07-05-2012

I thought Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest and quiet

Please bear with me and tolerate my whining...

At least two neighbors have been pounding nails and using power tools since 8 am this morning. And this has been going on for days and days.

My next door neighbors are, I'm glad to say, renters, which means they won't be there forever. They seem like genuinely nice people but they have two children, a boy about 5 and a little girl of 3.

These children SCREAM like banshees morning, noon, and night, 7 days a week. I wonder why their parents let them do it because, as I said before, they do seem like nice people and have been good neighbors. If I didn't know better I'd think someone is beating that child...and I KNOW that's not true. The moved next door about a year ago from Spain; he's American, she's German, and the kids speak a mish-mash of all 3. They (the kids) wave and smile and hi "Hi!" and they're cute little kids; I find it hard to dislike them but wow, all that noise.

The reason I mention the fact that they moved here from Europe is that when they first moved in and the kids started screaming, I thought it might be their way of coping with the disruption of a big move. A year later, I don't think so anymore.

I'm not quite sure what to think of the fact their parents let them run around naked in the back yard from time to time. I'd consider it pretty harmless except that we can all see into each other's yards and I wouldn't want the neighbors staring at my naked kids. I'm not going to do anything about it because it's only occasional and I don't want to start a lot of problems where there really isn't any--the naked kids, that is.

The screaming, though, I do wish they'd stop.

thanks for letting me vent.