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I'll start by saying, I'm a lover of all animals, all breeds of dogs.  I just wanted to ask what you'd do in this situation.  


About 2pm I had to make a last minute run to the Dollar General Store to pick up some extra Christmas candy for stockings.  While in the store, I was stunned when what appeared to be a huge solid white pit bull / rotweiller ?  suddenly dashed up on me, paws on shoulders, licking my face!  It didn't seem mean, but it startled me & about knocked me down.Im sure it weighed more than me lol.   It wasn't wearing a collar or leash either.  A few minutes later, a man ran up yelling "nein" which I guess is German for No. But the dog paid him no mind.


 She finally got down and turns out it belonged to the boyfriend of a girl working in the store. I did find it rude since they offered no apology or even spoke a word to me. The dog did pick my sweater and get me dirty. I know it was just a dog being a dog, totally not it's fault at all.  She probably smelled my little Ruby on me.  I just think the owner was terribly irresponsible and super rude!  Sorry for the rant...I just had no one else to tell.

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@cheriere.  Certainly an apology was due.  It's inexcusable not to hav3 a dog like that on a leash.  It would sent some people into heat failure.


Since he spoke to the dog in German, maybe he doesn't speak enough English to apologize?

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@cheriere : I understand. I would have been upset. You could have fallen and been hurt.

Merry Christmas.

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Registered: ‎12-01-2023

Re: Dollar Store Dog

[ Edited ]

@Kachina624   At first I thought the same thing until after I rolled my cart on by and heard him to his girlfriend in local country vernacular! That was probably the only German word he knows & is trying to teach it to his dog...unsuccessfully.

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I have encountered dogs alot lately, all places.  When questioned ladies, all I get see do this, simply say, "it is my therapy dog".  Last week, in a small major supermarket every isle I kept encountering a mid to large size dog trying to jump on me, I am old.  The lady said sorry but she can't leave her in the car she would chew the seats up.  I was wondering, but kept my mouth shut, what about a cage at home for when humans have to go out?  I heard the lady checking out and telling everyone how it is a rescue dog!  I know three women who have dogs and get trained as therapy dogs so they can travel cheaper!  These women in no way need a therapy dog.🤷🏻‍♀️


A friend in a group of mine was meeting for dinner one night and told us all she was bringing her dog, she did not want to go from point A to B then back to A to get her dog.  We are talking 5 miles.  DH was about to back out, thankfully in the end she did not bring the dog.  I never asked.  Not sure if anyone told her or what.


I certainly understand some people need service dogs but...

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@cheriere  I think that at the very least an apology should have been given to you. I just don't understand the need for dogs in store's anyway unless it's a seeing eye dog or a therapy dog. It does not sound like this was the case.

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To allow a dog to be unleashed in a store and behave in such a terrible manner is inexcusable.  Having any dog, let alone such a large breed, jump up and be right in the face of someone is not cute nor funny.  


If you had been afraid of dogs or had you fallen and seriously injured yourself as the result of this dog's rowdy behavior would they have taken care of any of your medical bills?


Suppose this dog hadn't been just over- exuberant but had actually been aggressive and had bitten you in the face.  You could have been hurt very severely.


If as a dog owner you want your dog to jump up and lick your face that's fine but never think it's okay for them to jump up on anyone else.  I've always had very small dogs but I never allowed them lick someone in the face or even jump up onto someone's lap. 


Not everyone likes dogs or wants your dog to be all over them. Having a large dog or actually any dog suddenly run up to you can be a very frightening experience.


An apology was the very least that they should have done.  I'm happy that you weren't hurt.  





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I would not have done much of anything really.

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Re: Dollar Store Dog

[ Edited ]

I understand service dogs but pets do not belong in stores where people are shopping unless it's a pet store. Everyone tries to say their dog is a service dog now and take them everywhere but true service dogs are trained and will not jump and lick someone. 

My problem is I am serverly allergic to all animals so if that happened to me I would be in the hospital now, but no one ever takes that in consideration or probably don't care about others.  I have had to leave stores before because of people bringing in their dogs.  I like animals that is that sad part for me but I wish people or the stores would enforce no pets unless they are true service dogs.











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Sometimes I wonder where people live with all these bizarre stories that I cannot even imagine happening where I live.  I never see a dog of any size that is not on a leash.  But...  There was nothing you could do and nothing you could say.  It was not rude behavior.  It was irresponsible and DANGEROUS behavior.  Dogs, especially those two breeds can behave unpredictably.  We're allowed to have dogs here with the exception of Pitbulls and rottweilers.