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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Daily Positive Thread for Wednesday

Hello my friends! What a nice surprise we had when some friends called us and invited us for supper at the town we used to live in, Remember I mentioned Harold and Lorraine before? They moved to our town now in a patio home. Harold has Alz so Lorraine doesn't work anymore but take care of him - all he does is sit around and sleeps alot, doesn't read anymore, but he still plays some cards - we played Crazy Eights, a kid's game tonight, They picked us up because they don't live far from us anymore - these two couples and us used to spend a lot of time together, we'd go to the State Fair together for years, not anymore. But tonight was so much fun seeing them again! Old friends are like treasures! What a blessing!

The gift of listening is often more valuable than the advice that we'd like

to give.

Lord, help me to be a good listener and then help me to let others work


out according to Your plan for them, not mine.

Scripture for the day:

"I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and

that your joy may be complete." ~John 15:11

Meditation for the day:

"I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and

that your joy may be complete." Even a partial realization of the

spiritual life can bring much joy. We can feel at home in the world

when we are in touch with God's spirit. Spiritual experience can

bring a definite satisfaction. We can search for the real meaning of

life by following spiritual laws. God wants us to have spiritual

success and God intends that we have it. If we live our lives as much

as possible according to spiritual laws, we can expect our share of

joy and peace, satisfaction and success.

Prayer for the day:

I pray that I may find happiness in doing the right thing. I pray

that I may find satisfaction in obeying spiritual laws.

Prayer for Myself

O most holy Heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore You, I love

You, and with a lively sorrow for my sins, I offer You this poor heart of

mine. Make me humble, patient, pure, and wholly obedient to Your will.

Grant, good Jesus, that I may live in You and for You. Protect me in the

midst of danger, comfort me in all my afflictions, give me health of body,

assistance in my temporal needs, Your blessing on all that I do, and the

grace of a holy death. Amen. (Raccolta, n. 263)

The Practice of Humility

bullet to speak as little as possible of oneself

bullet to mind one's own business

bullet not to want to manage other people's affairs

bullet to avoid curiosity

bullet to accept contradiction and correction cheerfully

bullet to pass over the mistakes of others

bullet to accept insults and injuries

bullet to accept being slighted, forgotten, and disliked

bullet not to seek to be specially loved and admired

bullet to be kind and gentle even under provocation

bullet never to stand on one's dignity

bullet to yield in discussion even though one is right

bullet to choose always the hardest

-- Mother Teresa of Calcutta


Author Unknown

A is for AWARENESS of those around us

B is for BEAUTY for all people

C is for CARING about each other

D is for DIGNITY that we all possess

E is for ETHNICITY on which we would be proud

F is for FEELING, important to us all

G is for GIVING of ourselves

H is for HOPE for a better tomorrow

I is for INTEGRITY, our standards tell so about us

J is for JOINTLY working together

K is for KNOWLEDGE which erases ignorance

L is for LOVE to be shared

M is for MANKIND, the entire human race

N is for NOBODY is unimportant

O is for OPTIMISM which enhances everyone's life

P is for PROGRESS made toward understanding

Q is for being QUIET when asked

R is for RESPECT for oneself and others

S is for SELF-WORTH which we should never be without

T is for TOLERANCE toward others

U is for UNDERSTANDING different cultures

V is for VALUES learned along the way

W is for WEALTH gained by sharing our diversity

X is for X-RAY vision that helps us see the good in others

Y is for YOU. Make your life what you want it to be, forward and


Z is for ZEAL to appreciate a multicultural world


Author Unknown

September 18, 2009

The father, a well digger,

strong was he,

And as loving and kind

as a father could be.

And Mary his daughter,

Just five years old,

Was very much dearer

than millions in gold.

To Mary her father

was big, grand and nice,

So each had a treasure,

beyond any price.

One day to the well,

little Mary was sent

To take daddy's lunch,

how gladly she went.

But when she looked down,

not a thing could be seen.

The well, like a pocket,

was dark as could be.

The father saw Mary

and heard her voice, too,

But made not a sound,

just to see what she'd do.

She dropped to her knees,

the dear little soul,

And called down, "Oh, Daddy,

are you down this hole?"

"Why, yes Mary darling,

I'm here at your feet,

Just drop my lunch

for I'm ready to eat.

Just let it go easy,

I'll catch it all right."

She did and she saw

it fall out of sight.

"Why Mary," said father,

"There's enough here for two,

Now this is the thing

I would like you to do.

You jump down here to me

and we'll eat it together,

Down here in the cool

and away from the weather."

"Oh, daddy, I'm afraid,

I can't see you at all,

Be sure now you catch me

and don't let me fall."

'Twas just for a moment

she wavered in doubt,

Then closing her dear

little eyes she jumped out.

In the darkness, yes,

that was the test,

She trusted in faith

At her father's request.

And both were so happy

he kissed her and smiled

Because of the sweet

trusting faith of his child.

"Oh, sweet little Mary,

you put me to shame,

How often my Father

Has called me the same,

But because it was dark

I turned back in doubt.

Refusing the call,

though his arms were stretched out."

When I say good morning I mean to say:


O-ffers us His


D-evotion to

M-ake us

O-bedient &

R-eady for a

N-ew day with Him.

I-nspire others please, and

N-ever forget

G-od loves you!