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Re: Choosing a Service & finding out it will continue.....

You have to approach every business transaction with suspicion these days.  So far just this week, I've had words with a plumbing company regarding my air conditioner, and my dentist's office.  I find I can't trust anyone anymore. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Choosing a Service & finding out it will continue.....

I have always believed that the onus falls on the customer to educate themselves before signing anything, and doing business with any company.



I don't care how long it takes, read every single word, on every single page, both front and back, before signing anything.


Also, read every single word, on every single page, both front and back of your bills, too.


If more people did that, then they wouldn't be so "surprised" when these auto-renewals happen.


But, unfortunately, most people are so jazzed by the introductory price, that they don't think beyond that.


Remember the old saying, "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is".

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Re: Choosing a Service & finding out it will continue.....

@Nicknack wrote:

@scraphappy wrote:

Once I signed up for their "rewards" program with a store, it was Champs or Foot Locker.  In a month or so I started getting magazines in the mail, like Sports Illustrated.  Bewildered I called these magazine companies, and found out by signing up for the rewards program I also subscribed to these magazines.  I canceled immediately.  I also noticed on renewals for Sirius radio that they offer a great low monthly rate, say $5 a month for a year but read the fine print.  It says you agree that after the special intro rate, you agree to continue subscription at regular monthly rate but fails to mention what that is.

@ScrapHappy  I signed up for Sirius last year when I bought my new car.  I got a great rate.  Their website says what the regular rate is.  I have read on here that if you call right before your renewal date and tell them you're going to cancel that they'll give you a good rate for another year.  I'm going to try doing that.  I don't know what I'll do if they just say okay we'll cancel.  I want to continue it.

@NickNack I called and got the rate lowered for my parents with no problem. If you do end up having to cancel you will start getting good deals to resign with them.

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Re: Choosing a Service & finding out it will continue.....

@Kachina624 wrote:

You have to approach every business transaction with suspicion these days.  So far just this week, I've had words with a plumbing company regarding my air conditioner, and my dentist's office.  I find I can't trust anyone anymore. 

Boy are you right~!  I went to a new Dentist here, been there 3 times!  A cleaning, X-rays and a check up from the dentist.  That's it!  I have a couple of areas we're watching but have had no work done.  I thought I had only been there twice and the hygenist argued with me saying 3 times according to her records, so okay.... it was in my head to check when I got home.  


Yes, I had 3 bills in my possession and while looking at them one caught my eye... a $100 charge for tooth #14!  I had to google what their coding meant.... but it meant a cavity filling!  And I checked tooth #14 and it's one with a crown on it ..... so no, I didn't have that work done but they charged me for it.  Incompetence or Scamming??


I still can't believe it....  it's been too long to contest it but you can be sure I'll be seeing another dentist (and check every bill with google!)... I've been so disgusted over that one!! 

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: Choosing a Service & finding out it will continue.....

@scraphappy wrote:

Once I signed up for their "rewards" program with a store, it was Champs or Foot Locker.  In a month or so I started getting magazines in the mail, like Sports Illustrated.  Bewildered I called these magazine companies, and found out by signing up for the rewards program I also subscribed to these magazines.  I canceled immediately.  I also noticed on renewals for Sirius radio that they offer a great low monthly rate, say $5 a month for a year but read the fine print.  It says you agree that after the special intro rate, you agree to continue subscription at regular monthly rate but fails to mention what that is.





That is SO annoying!

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Re: Choosing a Service & finding out it will continue.....

Alarm companies are notorious for this kind of "fine print" contracts once they have you, good luck trying to rid them  of their service!

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Re: Choosing a Service & finding out it will continue.....

@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

I have always believed that the onus falls on the customer to educate themselves before signing anything, and doing business with any company.



I don't care how long it takes, read every single word, on every single page, both front and back, before signing anything.


Also, read every single word, on every single page, both front and back of your bills, too.


If more people did that, then they wouldn't be so "surprised" when these auto-renewals happen.


But, unfortunately, most people are so jazzed by the introductory price, that they don't think beyond that.


Remember the old saying, "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is".

I agree... however this was not a special intro price at all.  And DH explained what he wanted over the telephone so there was nothing to read.  There was no explanation that this would be monthly until WE cancel.  Only when the bill came with the next charge did we see the explanation on the reverse side of the bill. We really do take care to read the fine print....  

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: Choosing a Service & finding out it will continue.....

I had that happen with a lawn fertilizing company.  I used them once.  I wasn't planning on ongoing service.  I got home from work one day and there was a receipt on the door saying they were there.  I called the next day and argued with the guy.  They cut the bill in half and cancelled me.