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@Porcelain wrote:

It is not against the forum rules to promote and spread the virus of health consipracy theories. That's why these things are never deleted. That aspect of this forum is a weak link that helps metastazize a cancer that is directly harming our country.

You are far more eloquent than I, @Porcelain. I am dumbstruck that so many are still either subtly or overtly suggesting that we are not truly in a pandemic.

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@suzyQ3 wrote:

@Porcelain wrote:

It is not against the forum rules to promote and spread the virus of health consipracy theories. That's why these things are never deleted. That aspect of this forum is a weak link that helps metastazize a cancer that is directly harming our country.

You are far more eloquent than I, @Porcelain. I am dumbstruck that so many are still either subtly or overtly suggesting that we are not truly in a pandemic.

Aw! You are so nice. It might help if I could correctly spell metastasize and conspiracy, though. Resisting my urge to edit... lol

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@Greeneyedlady21 wrote:

@Porcelain wrote:

It is not against the forum rules to promote and spread the virus of health consipracy theories. That's why these things are never deleted. That aspect of this forum is a weak link that helps metastazize a cancer that is directly harming our country.

I don't understand why it isn't. I guess the Q doesn't see anything wrong with it 

@Greeneyedlady21 Quite frankly, what gets deleted is dependent upon the opinion and mindset of the moderator  working a particular time slot. Let's face it, human nature is complex.


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@GoneButNotForgotten Can you prove they weren't?  It works both ways and that proves that things are sketchy.  No one can prove one way or the other.  Yeah the flu counts are almost none existent according to the "numbers"  How did that even happen?  Because even with masks, distancing, and sanitizer millions got Covid, why not the flu?  So how did flu just disappear?  There was no national standard for analyzing/sorting the data and keeping the results from any corruption.  So since towns, counties, cities, states pretty much had a chance to interpret what they called what that leaves a wide space for how things were counted especially in the beginning months.  We will never know how hospitals, doctor's offices, clinics, testing centers, even mortuaries, etc compiled and sent in their data.  There is no one out there that can completely certify all the data is accurate. I am not denying anyone died.  I am in no way denying anyone got sick.  I do question how all these statistics that people want to use to substantiate their position are complied.  And I question the accuracy of all the test results.  I find very few if any "gold standards" of facts anymore.  I take everything with a grain of salt.  

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@Porcelain wrote:

You guys are asking questions. Fine and good. Who are you directing your questions to? Other posters who are just as much laymen without medical expertise as yourselves? You want the "so called experts" to explain things to you? But you don't believe the experts when they do explain things? I'm not sure what you want to learn and who exactly you would accept answers from. you actually want answers? It's easy to direct you to expert answers. But somehow I think that wouldn't be the end of it. Or do you just want to sow doubt? It's either one or the other, can't be both.

Asking questions are also used to get people to THINK.  Something that is missing in many people today.  They all just wait to be told what to do by someone else.

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@CrazyDaisy wrote:

@Lali1 wrote:

@GoneButNotForgotten wrote:

@liliblu wrote:

@Jaspersmom wrote:

Just got word a colleague passed this morning.  She was in her fifties and had bad asthma.  Had been on a ventilator for several weeks.  I live in a highly populated area and yes, I know dozens and dozens of people who tested positive and sadly, several who died including my SIL back in April.  My concern always is how those who haven't had much exposure or experience with the virus tend to downplay it.  I'm happy for those who live in areas where stats stay low, but that's not an indication that the stats that are reported are inflated.  Just do the smart thing and keep everyone - yourself and others - SAFE.

It seems that for some people it's not real unless it happens to them or someone they know.


It's called "magical thinking"

Go ahead and make us all out to be stupid for asking questions. Honestly I'd rather be someone who asks questions than someone who just does as their told with no investigation. And I did not read that we believe there is no COVID or no death from it. What I read was that people question the numbers and how much fear we should have. 

When people don't want you questioning things....they have something to hide. 

Well,  I was hoping this subject wouldn't turn unpleasant!  I just wanted to know if others besides myself found the statistics reported to be in conflict with each other.  Believe me, even though I haven't been personally impacted by the virus, I'm well

aware of other peoples struggles and grief concerning COVID.  I'm sorry for the turn this topic has taken but I guess as a general rule, this topic touches a lot of nerves.

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Unfortunately some people want to make anyone who questions anything about the virus out to be virus deniers. Questions are a good thing. Lies are harmful. I'm not sure how it's possible to ask too many questions. I'm also not sure how I can be a denier and chose to be careful and follow protocols at the same time. 

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@CrazyDaisy wrote:

@Porcelain wrote:

You guys are asking questions. Fine and good. Who are you directing your questions to? Other posters who are just as much laymen without medical expertise as yourselves? You want the "so called experts" to explain things to you? But you don't believe the experts when they do explain things? I'm not sure what you want to learn and who exactly you would accept answers from. you actually want answers? It's easy to direct you to expert answers. But somehow I think that wouldn't be the end of it. Or do you just want to sow doubt? It's either one or the other, can't be both.

Asking questions are also used to get people to THINK.  Something that is missing in many people today.  They all just wait to be told what to do by someone else.

Does that include yourself? Or are you one of the elite who thinks for yourself, and the rest of us are just sheep waiting to be told what to do? That would be a bit of an insult towards those who simply disagree with you.


Have you considered that those who disagree with you might be just as informed and capable of THINKing independently as you are? Sometimes the mainstream, traditional, conservative view is actually based on verifiable truth...An idea being new, radical, and widely rejected does not give it more of a basis in truth than an older more established view.

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Re: COVID stats fishy

[ Edited ]

@Lali1 wrote:


Unfortunately some people want to make anyone who questions anything about the virus out to be virus deniers. Questions are a good thing. Lies are harmful. I'm not sure how it's possible to ask too many questions. I'm also not sure how I can be a denier and chose to be careful and follow protocols at the same time. 

@Lali1  And the virus deniers are also out in full force doing a lot of questioning to those who are not deniers. 

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@caroln242 wrote:

@CrazyDaisy wrote:

@Lali1 wrote:

@GoneButNotForgotten wrote:

@liliblu wrote:

@Jaspersmom wrote:

Just got word a colleague passed this morning.  She was in her fifties and had bad asthma.  Had been on a ventilator for several weeks.  I live in a highly populated area and yes, I know dozens and dozens of people who tested positive and sadly, several who died including my SIL back in April.  My concern always is how those who haven't had much exposure or experience with the virus tend to downplay it.  I'm happy for those who live in areas where stats stay low, but that's not an indication that the stats that are reported are inflated.  Just do the smart thing and keep everyone - yourself and others - SAFE.

It seems that for some people it's not real unless it happens to them or someone they know.


It's called "magical thinking"

Go ahead and make us all out to be stupid for asking questions. Honestly I'd rather be someone who asks questions than someone who just does as their told with no investigation. And I did not read that we believe there is no COVID or no death from it. What I read was that people question the numbers and how much fear we should have. 

When people don't want you questioning things....they have something to hide. 

Well,  I was hoping this subject wouldn't turn unpleasant!  I just wanted to know if others besides myself found the statistics reported to be in conflict with each other.  Believe me, even though I haven't been personally impacted by the virus, I'm well

aware of other peoples struggles and grief concerning COVID.  I'm sorry for the turn this topic has taken but I guess as a general rule, this topic touches a lot of nerves.

To simply answer your question there are many who have questions about the numbers.  However anyone who even casts doubt on what thev"expert" say, sets themselves up to ridicule.  The only thing I will say is follow the money....then you will know if the numbers are good.

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.