
Thanks for Tuning in to My On-Air Debut

by on ‎11-16-2012 11:36 AM

On Tuesday, I had the great privilege of presenting our Liptastic and Lashtastic Discovery Kits on air to you, our customer, in our Tuesday Night Beauty show. It was great fun, and I now have a real appreciation for all of our beauty guests who do this day in and day out. Believe me, it's not easy and I was quite nervous. It’s not every day that you get to talk to 95 million homes! I'd like to thank everyone here at the Q for their help, especially my team members, Melanie, Nicole, and Marissa. In addition, I'd also like to thank Mally who did my makeup and Sarah Potempa who did my hair. What a pro team! Finally, thanks to Shawn who was a great host and a wonderful partner in the show. Obviously, I have a day job, but I do hope I'll be able to bring a few special items to you on air from time to time. Next time, please call in. I'd love to hear from you!


—Claudia Lucas

Beauty Merchandise Director


 Claudia and MallyClaudia and Mally 2

On Air With Shawn

On Air with Shawn 2


Backstage with Friends!

Me and the Team