
Thanks Dad!

by on ‎06-19-2015 09:52 AM

Years ago, when a good friend of mine first became a Dad,  he said something that has always stuck in my mind.


"When you have a kid", he said, "you realize for the first time... how much your parents loved you."

When our first son Nicholas was born, I realized what he meant. My parents were always there for me. And as a young boy growing up in Minnesota,  it meant so much to have my dad there for me.




He cheered for me while I played Little League (and was there to buy me a Popsicle after I struck out). He took me fishing, camping, taught me how to build a fire, how to tie a sailor's knot, how to whistle, and about a thousand other things. He also shared stories of his Navy days in WWII. I was fortunate, no doubt, yet I'm not sure if I truly appreciated it at the time. I was always focused on my own world, on making the basket, hitting the ball... or meeting the girl.




It wasn't until I became a dad myself that it all started to sink in much..he cared. As I now cheer on my own two boys at their games, Coach them (and hopefully teach them a thing or two), 'I know that they know' ... The old man cares.







But when it comes time for them to become Fathers one day...hopefully then they'll realize, just how much the old man cares.

Happy Father's Day!


