
Pressure Cooker Split Pea & Ham Soup

by on ‎02-03-2016 03:00 PM

After eating sliced ham, ham salad and sliced ham sandwiches I needed another recipe to finish off the last few slices.  This is a stick to your ribs recipe!!  Hearty, quick and easy and just delish!  Serve with a piece of thick crusty bread.  Enjoy!

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Pressure Cooker Split Pea & Ham Soup

1 lb bag split peas

1 lb ham, chopped

8 cups water

1 Onion, chopped

2 carrots, chopped

2 celery stalks, chopped

1 ½ tsp. dried Thyme

Dry Sherry, to taste

Salt & pepper, to taste


Put all ingredients except sherry in the pressure cooker.  Set to 20 minutes.  Let pressure release on it’s own.   Carefully open the pressure cooker, stir.  Add a splash of Sherry.


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