
Maintain, Don't Gain! Pt. 2

by on ‎12-17-2016 11:08 AM

It's the most wonderful time of the year, no question. But I'm sure most of us find it can also be the most tempting and indulgent time of the year too. With busy schedules and abundant treats often come a less-than-healthy lifestyle. So many of us fall off the smart eating and activity track and become discouraged. Myself included!


A couple of days ago I hosted a livestream on Facebook where I shared some easy tricks that can help us avoid some of the lifestyle pitfalls of the holidays. The goal here isn't to lose major pounds or transform our physiques...that's way too big a challenge for most of us at this time of year! The goal simply is to "Maintain, Don't Gain." Keep yourself in balance and, if it's right, focus on bigger and more ambitious goals when the temptations subside after the holidays. Here are some tips that might help!




1. Pay It Forward: Last week I opened the door to discover a friend had sent me a large box of chocolates as a gift. The week prior, a neighbor delivered cookies to my door. Such incredibly kind gestures! But consuming all of these gifts myself, or even between my daughter and myself, would not be the best dietary decision. So instead, I've adopted the habit of "Paying it Forward." Sampling the gift, and really savoring it (we'll discuss that below), then sending the rest with Gabby to share with her friends at school or taking it with me to work the next day. That way my friends' generosity is enjoyed by many people instead of just one, I still get to enjoy the gift, and avoid any guilt over having over-indulged. To whom can you share any goodies you receive? Do you love to bake as I do? Share your skills with neighbors and co-workers instead of keeping them at home or even worse, wasting them by discarding the leftovers!


2. Become a Recipe Hacker: ​Despite what we might think sometimes, the internet can actually be a wonderful place! Case in point: nearly every recipe you can think of has a cleaner, leaner version online. Stuffings, pies, pastries, casseroles, smoothies, and everything else can be made leaner, lighter, and every bit as tasty. Just search "clean ___" online, and hack that recipe into something less guilt-inducing!


3. Be a "Mugger": Unless I'm on the air I'm likely toting a mug of something with me everywhere I go. It's usually full of either an herbal tea or water. I love it because it does triple duty: It keeps me hydrated, makes me feel warm and cozy this time of year, and keeps one hand busy and my tummy feeling full so I'm not grabbing candy, cookies, or vending machine goodies on my walks through the offices! Find a super-cute travel mug and fill it frequently with something good (and good for you) and make it a habit to keep it with you as much as you can.


4 Pre-Party Like a Boss: If you're headed to a gathering where food and drinks will be served, or are hosting one yourself, pre-party by having a smart and filling snack before you leave (I used to do the opposite by starving myself all day so I could indulge at the party...and boyyy did I indulge! Bad move.). An apple, or handful of nuts, or spoonful of nut butter and a glass of water will help curb the urge to launch into dips and pastries the second you get to the shindig.


5. Treat Mindfully: With the above being said, for heaven's sake when you do decide to have some treats....have the treats and enjoy them! Being well-behaved most of the time should absolutely be balanced with savoring a decadent meal now and again. But the key is in the word "savoring." When you're having something amazing, chew slowly, give thoughts of gratitude to everyone who made it possible for you to enjoy it, and taste the amazing flavors. Too often I've caught myself chowing down while looking at my phone, watching tv, or chatting with others. When I eat mindfully, I find I eat less. Win/Win!


6. Shift the Focus: When you think about it, are you dining with friends and family strictly because there's good food around? Or are you there because of the friends and family? Exactly! Think of meals and gatherings as social, soul-fulfilling events first. If the food and drink is a delightful bonus, you'll find yourself enjoying the company more than the food. Challenge yourself to start a conversation with someone you've never or rarely met. Or to spend more time with the children or new members of the family. They'll appreciate it, and so will you. 


7. Bust the Myth: In general, the rumors that we all travel two dress sizes up and gain large amounts of weight in just the weeks between thanksgiving and Christmas are just that. Rumors and myth. Shed the fear and enjoy the holidays. 


8. Be Creatively Active: ​If you've got a gym membership and no time to get there, or even find it challenging to find time to work out at home, be creatively active. This is something we hear all year long and for good reason. It helps! Park farther away even if there are plenty of good spots close to the door. Take the stairs. Walk up the stairs at home, then go down and walk back up again. Do 20 jumping jacks during commercial breaks. It doesn't have to be in a gym or 60 minutes all at one go to count as a workout! And of course, I'm always going to advocate picking up a Fitbit to help encourage you to add just a few steps more. 


9. Remember "20 Before 2": ​As I've discussed in my earlier blog, my eating habits used to be as far from smart as could be. Second helpings were the norm for me at dinner. I would go back for more before I'd even finished chewing my last bite of what was on my plate. Since then, I've practiced the "20 before 2" rule. After finishing what's on your plate, give yourself 20 minutes during which you don't eat or go back for more. At the end of 20 minutes, ask yourself if you're still hungry. You'll be surprised how often then answer is "I'm good!" If you're at a restaurant and the server asks if you'd like dessert, ask for coffee or for them to check back in a few. Still want the dessert? Then remember #5 and have fun!

10. Practice Travel-Stashing: going somewhere for the holidays? Or any vacation for that matter? Pick a shelf or drawer in your guest room and make it your mini-pantry for smart snacks when the urge hits you. When you get off the plane make a pit stop at a grocery and get fruit, nuts, snack bars, etc. to keep so you can keep temptation at bay. Mom doesn't have to know you had an orange before dinner if you don't want her to know lol!


11. Most Importantly: Remember the Track is Always There. There is a reason why many things (yoga, medicine, meditation) are called "practices." They aren't called "perfects." Because when you think about it...everything is a practice. Especially nutrition and fitness. We have successful days and challenging days. Or weeks. Or months. Or years. The track is always there for us to get back on. You're never banned from trying again or starting over. Keep trying. I like to say that even my worst days now are better than my best days 10 years ago. Cut yourself some slack and praise yourself for caring and trying in the first place. Have fun, give and get the love you deserve, and have a blessed and safe holiday season and 2017.

