
Kitchen Remodel Chili

by ‎10-07-2015 04:16 PM - edited ‎10-08-2015 04:28 PM

Kitchen Update!  We are cooking with gas...literally.  They hooked up my oven and installed the new wall oven/microwave this last week. 




I made a yummy chili on Saturday. The funny part was, all my pots & pans, cooking utensils & spices are packed away.  I had to dig through boxes to find the can opener so I could open the cans of beans.  I found the chili powder but I gave up on looking for the bay leaves, oregano & cinnamon instead I added a can of cream corn.  It added a nice sweetness to the chili. That might be my new secret weapon. 

 FB Post 10 7 15 Recipe.jpg

Kitchen Remodel Chili

2 cans chopped tomatoes

1 can red beans

1 can black beans

1 lb. ground beef or bison

2 tsp. Fresh chopped garlic

1 small onion, chopped

Salt & pepper to taste

3 Tb. Chili powder, add more if you want it really spicy Shredded cheese Sour cream


Sauté chopped onions & garlic, add ground beef, season with salt & pepper, cook until it is no longer pink.  Add tomatoes, bean & cream corn, continue cooking until hot and bubbly. Turn heat down to low, add chili powder.  Cook for 20-30 minutes Top with shredded cheese & sour cream.


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