
Goodbye & Thank You from Dave James

by on ‎06-06-2013 05:32 PM

I’m really doing my best to not type out a cheesy goodbye & thank you blog as I’m letting you know that I’ve left QVC. But I have to admit that the sentiments I want to express in this short passage are as giant as any gouda wheel I’ve seen in the deli. 

Simply put, I will miss you. To my QVC colleagues, friends, and co-workers, I know we’ll stay in touch and maintain a friendship outside of the "Q", so I’m not worried about us saying goodbye. And to all the “Q” viewer friends I’ve made along the way, your viewership, phone calls, emails, Facebook posts, and tweets have been a grand on-going conversation that I’ve loved through the years —you are diverse, opinionated, and strong! I’ve loved meeting every one of you who took the time to chat with me on QVC. You may not realize this but, if you’ve thought of me in your life, rest assured, I thought of you in mine too. I’m humbled and grateful for your viewership. 

I want to take this moment to say, “thank you for watching" and "Roll Tide!" 

Dave James


Twitter: @DavidJinPA