
Did You Say Dungarees?

by on ‎10-26-2012 04:37 PM

When I met my friend Allison my first day at college, I was fascinated by her big city wardrobe, and her vocabulary. She was from New York city and I was from central California, and words that we used were definitely different. I’m not talking about words that any good college freshman should know in order to successfully matriculate. I’m talking about terms that we used for everyday things like jeans. I thought she was kidding when she asked if I was wearing “dungarees” to a party. Did this girl really just say “dungarees?” To me, they were “jeans” -- “designer jeans” if you spent the extra money for Jordache or Calvins (it was the late 70s early 80s) , but “jeans” nonetheless.

Rockin' the Dungarees

Me rocking high-waist jeans rolled with a cuff in 1979

I thought about that when Allison told me about new jeans that she bought not long ago. She raved about how well they fit, and about how good they made her look. And the jeans she was raving about, she bought from ME! She had been watching me present Denim & Co jeans and decided to order. I was thrilled that my friend of 30 years shopped with me and loved what she got. But what was really funny... when she told me that story, she didn’t say “dungarees”.

Coming Soon!

Denim & Co. is our most popular apparel brand on QVC with a wide variety of denim and casual clothes and outerwear. Look for a VERY SPECIAL item from Denim & Co this Monday at MIDNIGHT! And don’t forget to join me Saturday for AM Style.

See you Saturday!


This week’s "AM Style Either/Or" Poll Question: Denim?

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