Super Contributor
Posts: 293
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

bleck!~~~first time at a philosophy counter.....

i was just so unimpressed. sad. after using phil for 10 years, i couldnt believe how unimpressive the stuff was in person. i dont know if its the hype or what, but i have always believed i have gotten a decent product for what it was. but everything just looked so...used! like i was at someones garage sale.

and of all the new shower gels and perfumes i tried i only liked pink frosted animal crackers. the love sweet love and summeer love positively reeked to my nose. and it wasnt just that i didnt care for them, it was that they smelled like CHEAP junk.

i dont care if they arent my taste, but the quality was so far off. so i am bummed. but on the up note, i have at least 3 years of the old stuff, and maybe i can pick and choose more carefully in the future.

but this is the first time since philosophy came to the q, that i havent had all the newest as soon as it came out. i do not have :divine, love sweet love, summer falling in love and one of the new field of flowers ones. so unless they go back to the christina inspired era, i dont know what else to do but skip it, as i dont want any sortofs and maybes anymore. i am just over keeping things and buying things that i dont really like.

philosophy has discontinued 1/2 of their very best items, and is pouring out cr---a----p in droves, the only thing that i can figure, is that no one in product development actually uses the product themselves.

i know i am doing a fragmented rant right now. sorry. i have just lost my beloved interest in products. i guess maybe that is good, but i just dont have the interest any more. i dont ever want to get invested in one line again, because the current market just doesnt seem to support one person lead businesses. they either become too big, or go under. or sell out and become cheaper. so whats the point of ever being brand loyal ever again. maybe caswell masey.....hmmmmm. heck they are probaly owned by loreal by now.

somebody wake me if they bring out a fresh cream edt or edp, otherwise, its gonna take a five star review to make me order anything but soap or conditioner from here on out!


ps, i cannot kill my snowman!!! i have it in the bathroom and the kitchen and it just doesnt seem to be getting any smaller!!!! i want it to go away and be done and it just wont die!!!!!!!!