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Re: What did you use up this week? 2/10

I didn't use up anything this week but enjoying reading everyone's posts.


@judianne - I hope the doctors can find out what is going on with your DH.  As others have said, please take care of yourself too.

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Re: What did you use up this week? 2/10

Good morning


Cleaned out a few makeup drawers. Tossed broken eyeshadows, "what were you thinking" colors of lipstick, blush and eyeshadow, Bobbi Brown tinted moisturizer, a few brushes,


Realized I have more blush and eyeshadow than I can use in 2 lifetimes

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Re: What did you use up this week? 2/10

Not much for me this week.


Dr. Nassif Detox Pads - I used my last half pad this morning.  My auto-ship set of 3 jars is on the way.  I should have adjusted my shipping date but I overlooked it.  I’ll be without for a few days. My DIL likes them too so I always share my set with her.


Green Tea Extract - used up my active bottle and refilled it from my source bottle.


Have a great weekend, Beauties! 😊

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Re: What did you use up this week? 2/10

Hi @kathie66  and all the beauty lovers!


I finished 

- 3 oz bottle of Josie Maran Argon Milk Serum-- love this stuff.  Have the big 8 oz bottle from the last TSV.  And side note-- I noticed Josie Maran has a TSV on 2/25, according to the program guide.  

-Jar of 60 Nassif MD Detox Pads.  Also had another jar on the ready.  I love these pads.  i have tried many 

-A tube of sensodyne toothpaste and a container of Glide dental floss!!  Not sure if these count but had more dental floss on hand as, Glide is the only one I buy.  But I don't love sensodyne toothpaste, because of the cap and tube.  It's not the easiest to open once the tube starts getting emptier. If you get what I mean-- it's too squishy and the cap is too sturdy.  LOL

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Re: What did you use up this week? 2/10

@kathie66   Catching up threads I've missed.


I used up my Trish McEvoy Liquid Face Color. I thought I had a backup. I've never been fond of products (skincare or makeup) in solid color closed containers where you cannot tell how much is left.


This is a great, universal sheer rose shade blush in a wind up component with a brush on the end. I brush it on the back of my hand and use from there. 

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Re: What did you use up this week? 2/10

@nyc1 wrote:

Good morning all.  Finally FRIDAY...   


Used up this week:


Tatcha Exfoliating Rice Polish in Classic (back ups for sure)

Tatcha Lip Mask (just opened my back up-will wait for sale for another)

Tweaked 3 n1 Rise & Shine Shampoo (fravorite but discontinued)


So many of you have inspired me to go through my things and sort what I really want to keep and what I can give away,  or just throw out.   I still have a lot to go,  but I'm making a dent.   Have been doing that with clothes, shoes and handbags too.   I have too much and others can enjoy what I haven't worn in a long time,  and most likely will not.   It's a process!!!!!

ENJOY THE WEEKEND.   It's 25 degrees now but going to be almost 50 on Sunday.  Maybe I'll wash my car before the game!!!!!


@nyc1 - If you're interested in sharing/joining, there's a thread on the home forum, Declutter 2023 What Have You Purged Today? Where we share our decluttering to get ideas, motivate and inspire others. 

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Posts: 14,835
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: What did you use up this week? 2/10

finally---used up my jar of First Aid creme and the last drops of a few facial cleasners too---have soooo much more  too use up ----Woman Embarassed