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Posts: 479
Registered: ‎06-09-2011

UGH! Another disappointing ULTA the Benefit counter....

Has this happened to any of you???

I ran into my local ULTA yesterday to buy my Benefit Champagne Flawless Powder and there was a young gal working there who insisted that this color might be too yellow for me. I love it since it looks to me like it just melts into my natural color FLAWLESSLY....anyhow, she then chose a shade 2 SHADES darker in the foundation and did up my cheek and said it was perfect! I held up the mirror and couldn't believe how OFF it was. I said to her that I literally had a line at my jaw and she said that is okay since it makes me look "brighter". She then said, well maybe we should try another shade and went two lighter!!! And then made my other cheek look like white chalk was smashed on it!

Then she told me that the latest concealer is sooooo great and I told her I already LOVE my boing and that oily concealers tend to make my makeup run....She insisted that this new one wouldn't and put this lipstick balm like thing under my long story short, I went into ULTA looking pretty darn good and then had to find my way the philsophy stand to swipe a cleansing towelette to wipe myself off and then left looking like a wet clown!

I can't stand, can't stand, can't stand makeup vendors who don't know how to even match skin types or colors!! Soooo irritating. And then they wonder why we ignore them....which is of course, what I should have done. Good news is that I left not buying a single thing......I'd rather go to Macys.