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Re: The Wonderful World of Wen

I can't say anything that hasn't already been said.........sending light, love and blessings your way. Take care, and as others have mentioned, try to take a little "merri" time when you deserve it.

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Re: The Wonderful World of Wen

Merri I am so sorry to hear about what you are coping with, my MIL had dementia and I know it's a 24 hour job for the caretakers, my heart goes out to you. I am glad Wen helps with your mind and body. You need to take care of yourself as well because you cannot be good to anyone else if you wear yourself out. I too lock myself in my bathroom with all my Wen and it's aromatherapy eases my stresses. I will remember you in my prayers, may you find the strength to carry on each day.
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Registered: ‎02-06-2014

Re: The Wonderful World of Wen

God Bless you Merri. Praying for you and your family. I was crying reading this and all the wonderful responses here. These ladies are really great! I understand the difficulty you are going through and know the importance of really taking care of yourself as well. I had 3 of my 4 grandparents go through dementia/Alzheimer. Pamper yourself often! You deserve it!
Love my Wen, Love my Animals! God Bless You All!
Posts: 72
Registered: ‎06-11-2014

Re: The Wonderful World of Wen

I'm so very sorry for what you are dealing with and will send lots of positive and healing energy your way. Caring for our parents in their later stages of life can be so very trying, both emotionally and physically. You are a very special person and I will pray for you and your mom.

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Registered: ‎06-30-2010

Re: The Wonderful World of Wen

Once again I want to express my sincere gratitude to each and everyone of you who read and/or replied to my post. Your kind words, support, positive thinking and prayers have meant so much to me. I am grateful to come here and just "get away from it all" when I have a few minutes. It might seem silly to some but seeing the way so many ladies reach out to each other on these boards is really wonderful. Thank you all .

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Registered: ‎07-05-2012

Re: The Wonderful World of Wen

On 6/23/2014 merri said:

Once again I want to express my sincere gratitude to each and everyone of you who read and/or replied to my post. Your kind words, support, positive thinking and prayers have meant so much to me. I am grateful to come here and just "get away from it all" when I have a few minutes. It might seem silly to some but seeing the way so many ladies reach out to each other on these boards is really wonderful. Thank you all .

I don't think it seems silly. I'm so sorry for what you're going through. What a blessing you and your husband are being for your Mom. You take care, even if it's just finding time to get a relaxing shower in.
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Registered: ‎07-24-2012

Re: The Wonderful World of Wen

On 6/23/2014 merri said:

Once again I want to express my sincere gratitude to each and everyone of you who read and/or replied to my post. Your kind words, support, positive thinking and prayers have meant so much to me. I am grateful to come here and just "get away from it all" when I have a few minutes. It might seem silly to some but seeing the way so many ladies reach out to each other on these boards is really wonderful. Thank you all .

I know what you mean about getting away from it all. When my mom was sick, this forum was a wonderful thing because everyone was so thoughtful and I could come here to feel "normal". It was a constant in my life that wasn't turning upside down. I'm glad the we can all feel welcomed, loved, and appreciated here. In the meantime, I will continue to pray for you and your mom.
Smiley Happy Hilary
Wen girl for 10 years!!
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: The Wonderful World of Wen

Oh merri, I relate to you in so many ways, Wen included. Lost my mother a couple of years ago and my husband and I rented out our house and moved into their house so that I could take care of my Dad. he is 82 and I see his mind slowly getting slower and slower. It is so hard and he isn't combative or difficult. He is the sweetest person in the world and if he changed like that it would kill me. So I can hardly imagine how hard that is.

I too sometimes need to just have the ritual, maybe just the cleansing feeling in a shower. It is therapy. Sometimes I wish I could take a shower about five times a day. Enjoy those little bits of time. I just think of that stupid, Calgon take me AWAY commercial... I guess we all need to have Chaz make BGT bath salts or bubble bath now. BGT take me away.

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Posts: 195
Registered: ‎06-30-2010

Re: The Wonderful World of Wen

On 6/23/2014 Treeinwind said:

Oh merri, I relate to you in so many ways, Wen included. Lost my mother a couple of years ago and my husband and I rented out our house and moved into their house so that I could take care of my Dad. he is 82 and I see his mind slowly getting slower and slower. It is so hard and he isn't combative or difficult. He is the sweetest person in the world and if he changed like that it would kill me. So I can hardly imagine how hard that is.

I too sometimes need to just have the ritual, maybe just the cleansing feeling in a shower. It is therapy. Sometimes I wish I could take a shower about five times a day. Enjoy those little bits of time. I just think of that stupid, Calgon take me AWAY commercial... I guess we all need to have Chaz make BGT bath salts or bubble bath now. BGT take me away.

Hi tree! I just live around the corner from my folks so that's good. My dad is 88 and is also a sweetie but he is just weak and getting worn out. I also work full time but have had to take a lot of time off recently due to moms declining condition. I spend a large part of everyday taking care of them and am happy to do it but it is so hard physically and mentally. It is only my husband and I (my brother passed years ago and I have no children or other family to help) a few weeks ago my husband was laid off from his job and that actually has been a blessing because he has been such a help. I am so lucky to have him. Sounds like you can really relate and your family is lucky to have you too. So many of the wenners here has been through similar difficulties and I marvel at their strength and strong spirit. All of the support reminds me that we are not alone in this. My alone time is minimal and this forum and enjoying my wen relaxes me. At least my hair and skin will look great when I have my nervous break down! Lol.