Posts: 32
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Some quick tips for WEN newbies

I know that some people get irritated when the WEN fans (such as myself) tell people that WEN didn't work for them because they weren't using it properly, but for me that really was the case. I am sharing the few things that I was doing wrong in the beginning, in hopes that it may help someone who also had the same problem.

If others want to share their initial WEN mistakes as well, please feel free to do so. Smile

When I first tried WEN, I made the very common mistake of not using the recommended amount of product. I know that some WEN lovers do this and it works well for them, but for me it did not. As a result, my hair wasn't nearly as soft as it is now that I use more.

The second thing that I didn't do properly was massage my scalp to really clean it. After I started massaging my scalp, I could immediately feel the difference and was then able to go 2-3 days between cleansings.

I also did not initially put any WEN back in as a leave-in conditioner. I just didn't understand the need to do that. This is something that doesn't work for everyone, and the amount of leave in needed varies from person to person, so this was part of the learning curve for me. When I use the leave-in and a pump of the styling creme, my hair is much softer and smoother, and my curls are more defined, even if I just air dry my hair.

The last thing (and probably most important for me) that I needed to learn was that it isn't enough to just rinse long enough - it has to be an active rinse. By that I mean you can't just let the water run through your hair - you also have to use your fingers to squeeze the water through your hair, making sure that you go from section to section and completely rinse out the sides and back of your hair. When they say rinse, rinse, rinse - they mean it.

Again, this post is not meant to demean anyone who tried WEN and used it as directed and it still didn't work. This is for people who are just now trying the product, and who want to avoid making the newbie mistakes that I made.