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Registered: ‎04-13-2011

New limited edition guava korres TS

Hello any of you know if this limited edition version of the guava scent is a new scent? Is it a different scent from the original guava? I would like to buy it before midnight if it is a new scent. Thank you
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Re: New limited edition guava korres TS

It's the same scent. The only difference is the packaging.
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Posts: 142
Registered: ‎04-13-2011

Re: New limited edition guava korres TS looks like its the same scent. Thank you.
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Re: New limited edition guava korres TS

Same scent. I have some Guava in my bathroom closet stash unopened, so I can't justify buying the TS. However, because of the price and what's included, I'm thinking about picking up a couple sets for holiday gifts. Guava is a good scent to give because it just smells clean and fresh. There's no overwhelming floral, fruitiness, or spiciness to it.

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Re: New limited edition guava korres TS

I don't get the big deal with limited edition packaging. Why do we care?

I'm not being a smart aleck, I honestly don't understand why LE packaging is a selling point.