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Re: Need Prayers for Long-Time Forum Booster "Beauty Junkie"

She will be in my thoughts. 

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Re: Need Prayers for Long-Time Forum Booster "Beauty Junkie"

@customerqvc2 wrote:

@sfnative wrote:

@customerqvc2 wrote:

Your post came just as my friend in South Carolina has been going through the exact same thing!  Only instead of severe pain, she has had "tummy troubles" for months and said (on another board) she was having tests.  Since that post, she has been MIA for over three weeks.  I will definitely pray for BJ and my friend Becca.  I can't imagine their anguish and uncertainty, at this time.  Hugs.



Oh my word!!!  I can hardly believe what I'm reading.  MIA for 3 weeks makes all sorts of thoughts fly through my head, as I have a clinical background.  I will definitely pray for Becca, hoping you hear from her soonest.  I'm so sorry about this development with Becca.  Major hugs for you...XXX

Thank you so much.  Many hugs.


We all have "cyber" friends that are just as close to us as anybody who lives in our neightborhoods.  BJ and Becca (who I've known for 11 years on two boards) are no exception, IMO.



Isn't that the truth?!  I've made some really close friends here and was able to make contact, when one could still do that in a really quick way.  Am so thankful I did, because they're all very close to me now.  We've helped eachother through some pretty tough stuff in life over the years.

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Re: Need Prayers for Long-Time Forum Booster "Beauty Junkie"

Beauty Junkie will be in my thoughts and prayers, as will Becca.  The not knowing is awful.  <hugs>

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Re: Need Prayers for Long-Time Forum Booster "Beauty Junkie"

@Wsmom wrote:

Beauty Junkie will be in my thoughts and prayers, as will Becca.  The not knowing is awful.  <hugs>



It sure is - like a huge heart ache.

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Re: Need Prayers for Long-Time Forum Booster "Beauty Junkie"

I will most definately says prayers for BJ and others.  The power of prayer is a strong tool to use with your faith. God Bless and Take Care

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Re: Need Prayers for Long-Time Forum Booster "Beauty Junkie"

Prayers going up-----


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Re: Need Prayers for Long-Time Forum Booster "Beauty Junkie"

In my thoughts and prayers.

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Registered: ‎04-16-2010

Re: Need Prayers for Long-Time Forum Booster "Beauty Junkie"

I "met" Beauty Junkie probably eight or nine years ago when I first joined here. I fondly remember her posts about a variety of topics. For a while @beastielove and @Desertdi and some others were on a long-standing thread she had started. We talked about a large variety of topics and specifically our pets. Beauty Junkie took care of a feral cat ( "Pal") who came to trust and depend on her. Beastielove had/has a group of about five kitties and desertDi had the now late KTF (Kitty the Fuzz). 


Beauty Junkie is wonderful, good-humored, special lady. I'm so sorry her health has continued to decline over the years and she is in so much pain. Love ya, Beauty Junkie. I'm praying for you.


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Re: Need Prayers for Long-Time Forum Booster "Beauty Junkie"

@Silver Lining   Thank you for the message re Beauty Junkie.......a lovely woman with a GREAT sense of humor.    I will add her to my prayers.  di

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Re: Need Prayers for Long-Time Forum Booster "Beauty Junkie"

I been here for 6 years never heard of her