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IT Cosmetics CC Cream Allergy?

I love the IT CC cream with spf coverage. However, I started having all the symptoms of an allergy (runny nose, etc). I got the inkling that maybe there is something in the cc cream that I am allergic to because I used another foundation today and the symptoms stopped.

I am interested to learn if anyone else has had this experience? I love the coverage and the everything about this cc cream. I know that anyone can be allergic to anything at any time, so it would not totally surprise me.

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Re: IT Cosmetics CC Cream Allergy?

Just bumping this up so more might see it. I don't wear it so haven't been paying attention to the threads, but it sure sounds as though the CC might be the culprit in your case. That's too bad -- I know many of you really like it a lot.

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Re: IT Cosmetics CC Cream Allergy?

I haven't heard/read of this type of reaction. Not that I'm saying it is totally out of the question, but I think if there was a reaction it would be more along the lines of itching, redness, or breakouts. Yet, anything is possible. There's a pretty big ingredient deck for the product. I guess the only way you would truly know with certainty would be to have yourself tested. I wonder if it would make a difference, if you used a separate primer first?

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Re: IT Cosmetics CC Cream Allergy?

Boston, usually if you're actually allergic to a topical substance, you would, as another poster pointed out, have a reaction on the skin -- rash, itching, hives, something like that.

Is there any fragrance in this product? If so, it's slightly possible that you are experiencing a sensitivity to it.

I suffer from what is labeled "non-allergic rhinitis," which simply means that although I test negative to all allergens, I react (runny nose, stuffiness) to certain triggers, one of which can be fragrance or some scent (also, chemical fumes). When it's bad, it's very, very bad.

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Re: IT Cosmetics CC Cream Allergy?

Possibly the snail secretion??

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Re: IT Cosmetics CC Cream Allergy?

I started using the new CC+ cream from IT and I've started getting a rash at the base of my neck and on my didn't happen right away but it's the only new product I've been using. Sucks...because I love the cream! 😪😪
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Re: IT Cosmetics CC Cream Allergy?

Same thing happened to me red eyes nose running and all stopped using it and it went away, it was so beautiful and felt so good on my skin so sad.

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Re: IT Cosmetics CC Cream Allergy?

I can't use IT due to the Snail Secretion.  I am allergic to all shellfish, and that includes snails, clams...etc.  My Dr. said No Way.

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Re: IT Cosmetics CC Cream Allergy?

My skin had a bad reaction to this. I think it was one or more of the essential  oils in there. I’m guessing the citrus 

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Re: IT Cosmetics CC Cream Allergy?

I don't react to the CC Cream, but don't let that IT Cosmetics 50 Serum near my skin, oh my. Hurts just thinking about it!

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