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Re: I have saved so much money!

I hear you!  No more travel, no eating out, no clothes and very little makeup.  We have been using the saved money to do some things around our home that we might not have done otherwise.

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Re: I have saved so much money!

I've been spending pretty normally. I've bought some new clothes for the summer and a couple of long sleeved tees for whenever it finally starts to cool down. We go out to eat inside a restaurant at least once a week. We drive up north to visit winery's, shop. I've visited Dillard's, Macy's, Kohl's etc., go to Costco. I'm not staying in but I do wear a mask only when I must. I put it on just before I enter a store and the minute my foot hits the door, off it comes. 

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Re: I have saved so much money!

@Meowingkitty   Agree!  My motto is "when the going gets tough, the tough go shopping."  I've bought about my usual amount of clothing in the past 5 months. It gives  me something to look forward to and improves my mental outlook.


The one BIG savings is travel.   We've cancelled at least a half a dozen trips so the money is burning a hole in our wallets--LOL!!!


Also agree about the mask wearing.  

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Re: I have saved so much money!

[ Edited ]

We usually grill , sometimes extra for two nights, while I'll do salads or some vegetables.


Unfortunately the very best pizza palace we've ever had on this end of town closed it's doors!  It was a shock because they always seemed busy and you could hardly park!


Now we have oriental or   Smiley SadKentucky Fried.  


DH doesn't like rotisserie chicken and we don't buy franchise resturant meals.


You would never know people are buying less clothing looking at Chicos on line.  They have their normal amount of sell outs.  


I had a black blouse I got and loved it.  I couldn't remember if it came in white.  A google image search brought it up.  Sold out of course!

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Re: I have saved so much money!

@FastDogWalker2 wrote:

I hear you!  No more travel, no eating out, no clothes and very little makeup.  We have been using the saved money to do some things around our home that we might not have done otherwise.

Me too


I got new light fixtures, a new ceiling fan.


I am also focusing on my HOUSE!!!

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Re: I have saved so much money!

And my credid cards prove it.


I made it from mid March to yesterday with just grocery pickup, an Ulta and some readers.


Finally ran up several hundred on A for mostly hardware stuff.

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Re: I have saved so much money!

Despite the mask mandate in my state, I continue to wear makeup because I enjoy applying it in the morning.  Sewing is my passion so I have been buying fabric online and sewing lots of knit tops for myself and outfits for my grandkids.  As a retired RN with public health and school nurse background, I have been doing volunteer contact tracing for my state and it is eye-opening.  My mask goes everywhere with me and I wear it out in public during my occasional trips out for groceries and other necessities. I visit my 86 year old Mom daily and my husband and I take evening drives which helps with the cabin fever. 


Please take good care of yourselves and your loved ones and stay healthy!  This virus is a beast like no other. 



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Re: I have saved so much money!

We only go out when necessary to get groceries, medication and the necessary doctor appts (we do that by facetime if possible).  However, we are not saving any money.  It seems we spend so much at the grocery store now.  We order so much online.  I have not bought any makeup but now I seem to be buying more body lotion and lounge clothes and underwear.  We have bought many jig saw puzzles, I buy more books on amazon.  We signed up for netflix.  My husband even bought a plant online...Just seems like our spending has gone in another direction.  

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Re: I have saved so much money!

I've not purchased makeup since the beginning of the year.  I'm working from home and only venture out to the grocery store or to pick up food.  However, I have taken advantage of clothing sales even though I haven't been able to wear anything - yet.  One day I'll be able to wear them. 


The biggest savings I've noticed is in gas.

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I have saved so much money!

I agree!   I haven't bought clothes, makeup, or any frivolous stuff since late February.  We also traveled a lot and visited casinos often BC (before Covid).  Since I've only been buying groceries and necessities to survive, I feel rich.  Sent $$$ to local and national food charities. 


With autumn right around the corner, I'd normally be out buying new sweaters, jackets, etc.  But don't have any interest in that right now.   Maybe I'll get a couple new masks in fall colors.....? 

* A woman is like a tea bag. You can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. *
- Eleanor Roosevelt