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I don't wear but oddly enough, I follow a gal on YouTube who does.


She does 'PAN' projects.

Pulling certain products she needs to use up as a challenge to

'reach pan' (ie bottom of the container).


She uses so much eyeshadow & lip glosses..and all I can think is
'it would take me years to 'reach pan'.


The stuff I have usually reaches 'trash can' before anything! 😆

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Nail polish has a short shelf life.  Things such as eyeshadow and blush IMO can last infinitely. I have pallettes probably close to 10 years old.  They perform just as well as day 1.  Mascara you have to be careful with.  I limit it to around 3-4 months or when it seems dry.  Lip gloss is something I burn through pretty fast and it usually smells or feels weird when it's too old.  But yeah, old nail polish is just about the worst.  I painted my nails the night before vacation with an OPI color that had gotten too thick and had to trash the whole manicure, it just wouldn't dry right.

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Its pretty darn easy to tell when a cosmetic item goes "bad."  Until then I totally disregard dates.  

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The FDA has no listed expiration date for polish. Some colors go chalky and become hard to mix after a year, some much longer. Thermal ("mood") nail polishes start to lose their thermal responses around 6 months. Some polishes get thick and stringy after a few weeks (quick dry top coats) and some take years. I add thinner in each case and keep using it until I can't.



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I don’t usually have anything that old. In the rare case of having more than one extra product I mark them #1 & #2 so I know which one to open first. Since retiring I don’t wear makeup every day so it lasts a lot longer before it gets used up. I don’t like to use things many months after opened so I end up throwing partially used products away. 

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I have nail polishes that are very, very old.  They work fine.  Also eye shadows that are a few years old, foundations too.  Many items do not have expiration dates listed or they are in a "code."  The only make-up item I am particular about is replacing mascara every 3 months.  I do it with the change of seasons so I always remember.

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Speaking of nail polishes, a salon I went to for years (for pedis) had the same nail polishes the entire time.  The manicurist would sometimes add some thinner to the bottle.  I bought a bottle of thinner but have only used it once and as I posted I have some really old nail polish.

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I only use nail polish in the summer to paint my toenails, my nail polish separates after 3 months or so. Perfect formula is notorious for separating. I have Bare Minerals powder makeup for years, but liquid make up does not last more than a year without separating for me. Lip glosses start to get sticky and separate after a few months. Lipsticks get dry and funky after a year or so.

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Pretty freaking old and I'm throwing most of it out, some old skincare too.  I just got some new things, the old has got to go!

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I am embarrassed to admit that I have  2 eyeshadows that are over 10 years old and they are still good.  Foundation & lipstick you have to be careful with keeping for over a couple of years.  I would not put old foundation on my facial skin.  

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